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New to you!..............long, sorry.


Young Bun
I haven't had a rabbit for some years. After my last rabbit, Risky, died I swore I wouldn't get another as life in a cage is no way to live out ones life.
Then I ended up with two more rescue bunnies. Rabbits are a dime a dozen around here so finding them new homes proved to be impossible thus I am once again caring for caged rabbits.
I cannot bring my bunnies into the house but have plans this summer for them to be in a much larger outdoor kennel that they should like quite a lot. It will be nice next winter as well as they will be able to go out when weather permits! Right now they are in my horse barn.

My bunnies are Rex rabbit cross of some sort though they do not have a Rex coat. They are both females - Icy- is a black and white rabbit and PJ -is orange and white. (I am sure there is a specific name for their coat pattern but I don't know what it is yet.)

My sons and I have spent a lot of time holding them and petting them so they are pretty friendly. If I ever figure out how to post photos I will do so.

I was thrilled to find this site as I really want these buns to have a better life than my previous rabbits. I haven't run across people who are so "into" the health and well being of their rabbits. I hope it is something that I will see much more of in the coming years.

*thinks: ooooo black and white ......... could be a dutch......could be an english spot......... english butterfly............ and what was the other one, orange and white ........... mmmmm ............ could be a dutch..........could be and english butterfly................. dwarf lop............

Ermm........ :D ............... think you better hurry up with the pics :roll: :lol: