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New rescue buns U/D Vet and piccies!!

I hope they both get better soon. Sapphire is a lovely name, it really suits her- I think I'd be obsessed with running around rather than eating ss if I'd been confined to such a small space it must be a bit of a novelty for her.
Both going to see Kevin at 4 for their health checks and myxi so will update then. Fortunately Rog will be home by then to give me a hand as I tweaked my back in the shower yesterday morning and it's still pretty painful. Just muscular though, not a disc thing so thankfully a couple of days will see it right. Thank God for Iboprofen!(and gentle exercise of course:) ) Any way..will update later. Thanks to all for all the lovely comments.:)
Awww well done ! :D One of my fosters Hettie had a huge dewlap too and it was just that :D Good luck at the vets :D xx
They're both lovely rabbits - I hope Pansy's lumps turn out to be nothing to worry about.

Looking as Sapphires urine scald I just wondered whether Sudacrem would help it heal and make it more comfortable for her. We've used it on dogs at work that have had skin problems, and I use it on everything from babies bums to sunburn,scalds, itchy skin?
Sorry I've taken so long to get back with the update. The news is all good!!:D
Firstly, Sapphire: Her teeth are good, her ears clean, and chest sounds healthy, so mechanically she's fine:) However, she has a very bad case of walking mites as well as lice, but we've started the treatment for that, and I'll be using good old Flamazine on her poorly bits! The main reason for my non-appearance earlier was because I had to change all the bedding and disinfect her hutch and all round the run just to be extra sure.
Pansy: Just like Sapphire, her teeth and ears are fine. She's not as old as we think. Her slightly shrunken looking haunches are due to poor muscle tone having been confined to a small box for goodness knows how long.I put her out in the 4' dog crate just to let her have a bit of space and feel the wind in her hair. She just loved it and kept trying to periscope but could only just get upright before having to land again. I've got some pics which I'll put up later. Rog is going to build a run to go round the small hutch she's in so that dring daylight hours she can come and go as she pleases. The vet had a look at the lumps and was satisfied that they aren't tumours, so she decided to do a quick investigation on the largest one using a needle to see if it was a pus filled abcess. At that point Rog was wishing he'd not gone with me!! However Pansy was a good as gold. The area was shaved and strerilised prior to the procedure and we could see there was an old scar there so we assume that she'd been bitten by something and the resulting abcess had healed over forming a capsule. She says it's best to leave it be for the moment as it doesn't seem to worry her and when she goes back for the VHD she'll have another check on its size. She has no sign of mites or lice but is being treated as a precaution. Her coat is thin and course but that's due to neglect, not old age. So hopefully a month should see her transformed into a pretty little thing in time for her next big adventure!!
Pansy enjoying life outside!!

I just couldn't bear the thought of her being cooped up in that little 4' hutch all day and went off to look for a run that I could put the hutch in, but they all seemed to be under 2' high(why??), and then the pessimistic side of me questioned whether it was wise in view of the fact that the prognosis at the vet later that day could be bleak. Rog decided last night that there was no way she was going to be PTS but I just didn't want to hope...anyway this afternoon he said that he'd make her a run tomorrow. I hit on the idea of using the 4' dog crate just to give her an hour outside. She absolutely loved it and chinned everything in sight:) Here are the pics:

A bit of a periscope but her muscles just wouldn't let her hold the position for more than a second or two

Hilda those pics of Pansy have brought tears to my eyes :D :D Its wondeful news about her, myself and Andy are so pleased..
Aww, she looks like she's having fun :) Building up the exercise gradually is probably a good thing anyway if she's been confined to a small space for a long time :(