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New Bun Lover


New Kit
Hey guys, hope your weekends are going nicely so far! Such nice weather too!

I'm 21, I live and study in Brighton. Hi everyone!!

My doe Ambellina is just over a year old. She's the most curious little thing and explores every inch she can get to, she loves digging and bounding about and generally getting into mischief! She's a house bun so I've had to customise everything around here to make it safe for her, and to make sure she's digging in her diggy box instead of the corner of the carpet :p
After a year of experience with her and doing some research about pairing rabbits I think she would benefit from a little boyfriend. I'm looking for some advice on where to start. I've looked about a bit and I've learned a lot but I was just wondering things like, should I try to match the potential new bunny by age, breed, etc? What does the first bonding involve? And things like that!
She's spayed and everything btw :)

Lovely to meet you all,
Jenny :)
Welcome to the forum. :wave: Getting a friend for your doe is a great idea, as bunnies love company. The first thing you need to do is to get her spayed, or you will end up with unwanted babies. There are lots of bunnies in rescues looking for a new home. Some rescues even do the bonding for you. Take a look at this link: http://www.rabbitrehome.org.uk/centres.asp Alternatively, you can look at the 'Rabbits in need' section in the forum.
Hi and welcome to RU.
I am sure Ambellina would love a friend to cause mischief with :wave: