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New baby bunny owner - Bunny companion

I just got a 3 month old male Holland lop. I am wanting to get him fixed in the next month if possible. I am wanting to get him a female companion but I don't know how about doing that. Do I wait until he is fixed and healed before getting the female and letting him smell her thru the cage? Or get the female and get them fixed at the same time ? I am up to taking suggestions since I am really wanting to get him a friend.
I would wait until he has been neutered and also allow about 6 weeks after neutering so his hormone surges settle. Bucks can remain fertile for up to 6/weeks AFTER neutering.

Then you could look to a Rescue/Shelter to adopt a Doe as a companion for him. Reputable Rescues always spay/neuter their Rabbits prior to rehoming, so you won’t need to go through the stress of getting that done.

Tips about bonding here:
