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Nelson and Girlfriend Needing a FINAL Forever Home!


Warren Scout
I am appealing to people's good natures regarding Nelson and Fizz.

I thought this the best place to post on as a seperate appeal for him.

A good few years ago myself and a group of rescues (mostly from on here) did a rescue of alot bunnies who were being fed to snakes live. :censored:

Nelson was one of these babies. He came to me at about 7 weeks old.

He was homed to a lady who kept him for about 2 years. She then phoned me up saying that she was fed up with looking after him and wanted to bring him back. When he arrived he was still entire (which we sorted out straight away) and although his bodyweight was fine, his nails were extremely long and curled round suggesting that he had been in his hutch for a long period of time.
After a nail trim and a castrate, a month later he was much fitter and ready to pair with a girlie.

A local rescue had a baby Lionhead in (a lovely orange colour) and she and Nelson took to each other straight away - love at first sight! :love:

Nelson and Fizz were homed to a family who had gone out of their way to make their lives happy. A huge hutch, a large run and lots of love to give. With the promse to the other rescue that they would get Fizz spayed at 5 months old.

Three years later I got a call from this family saying that their son had now grown up and was bored of the rabbits. Although I always give the same lecture about the parents taking responsibility for the animals rather than the children, sometimes this falls on deaf ears as in this case.

Fizz and Nelson were returned last week. Fizz was never spayed, so she is being done this week. Both are in good condition with no obvious health problems.
I have spoken to the other rescue who is happy that I put Fizz through my rescue because the pair cannot be split.

So, is anyone may be interested in Fizz and Nelson please let me know. They are a lovely pair of rabbits. Easy to handle and very confident round people. But I am looking for someone who can offer these guys a home for life (as with all my animals). Nelson has now been into rescue three times and it just isn't fair on such a nice bunny. I am shocked at how anyone can get fed up with these two!

Emma (Furry Friends Animal Rescue) Surrey
Tel: 020 8407 1080/0797 356 9371
Email: Adrs@aol.com
That's such a sad story, good luck on finding them a forever home. How can anyone have rabbits for 3 years then get bored with them :censored:
Hi :wave: (I'm Nicola.P on fancyrats)

It's so sad that people take them back because they are bored.

No matter how many times you tell people they just don't realise a rabbit is for life!
I should be used to hearing it by now, but I still can't understand how anyone can get bored of an animal. My animals are the most important thing in my life and I thank God for a mum and dad who drummed it into my brain from a young age that if you get an animal you give it everything you possibly can.

I never imagined back then that I would then carry on to pick up the pieces of other people who were not so caring.

Anyway, these two bunsters are absolutely gorgeous and deserve a much better life now. :D
