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Neighbour's loose rabbit

Thank you for the update. Great to hear both are doing really well.

I always look for your updates on mupette and nutmeg.
Pls continue to keep us updated :wave:
A year on...!

As it's just about a year since Muppette arrived to stay... and exactly a year since she proved she was definitely female by producing a litter, I thought it was worth a quick update.


Muppette (chomping on a dandelion flower and stalk) and Gingernut are still doing fine. Muppette is absolutely fascinating and though she loves her daughter dearly, she still knows who to run to in case treats are in the offing. And while she loves her daughter dearly... Mum knows best when it comes to treats: the best thing is for Mum to eat them. ;)

It's reached the point where I have to shut Muppette away in order to give Gingernut any chance of a bit of biscuit or a carrot, slice of apple, etc - otherwise Muppette drops her own goodies, goes and snatches Ginger's and then runs back to finish what she'd started. She is incredibly bright and only has to encounter a ruse once to work it out the next time. Gingernut is still very wary but now takes biscuits from my hand.

They still live outside, they've got an insulated hutch and I've bought a Snugglesafe for it for when the weather gets really cold, but they do seem to prefer being in the run in all weathers. Part of the run is covered but I've now rigged up a cover for the rest of it as I don't like to see them getting really wet.

I've rigged up a small polytunnel over a patch of dandelions so I'm hoping to get a crop through most of the winter - they're still flowering now - and a young and succulent dandelion leaf is still the treat of choice (after a Lidl butter biscuit!)

I'm so glad I rescued her - I'd never have known what interesting creatures they are otherwise. :love:

They have their hay and fresh grass etc in a litter tray. When they both sit in it at the back, the front tilts up. So there are these two rabbits, sitting facing forward, apparently in a speedboat with the back down in the straw and the front up as if cutting through the water... well, the hay. I have to get a photo one day and post it here because it looks so funny. :rabbit2:
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One thing I just realised - although I've said how interesting and fascinating Muppette is, etc, I didn't actually say how much I love the dear little soul. :love: And Gingernut too, of course, but unfortunately for Ginger, she is rather is overshadowed by her mother's personality!
Lovely to hear they are doing so well!

I think I missed this bit of the thread, although I thought I'd read every update, but I take it you found nice homes for the others in the end then? And what are the babies like, being half wildie, now theyre all grown up?
I was going to bed till I saw this, what a lovely lady you are. They are 2 very lucky bunnies. I loved reading it all, just think what the neighbours have missed out on. Their lose is definately your gain.
And what are the babies like, being half wildie, now theyre all grown up?
Sadly, Nessar, one of the girls died before they went to their new home... for no obvious reason: hopping around one minute and then I saw her just keel over and slump against her sister. Despite my best efforts - rubbing Calvados against her gums and rubbing her chest, I couldn't revive her. And I don't get regular updates about the other two because they went to someone further south who has a big enclosure for them to free-range - she's dug out a warren for her group in a massive spoil heap - but she doesn't have internet so I've not seen any photos.
Here's a photo of Gingernut this morning - wondering if another biscuit might come her way or whether she should run away and hide.


And I got this photo of Muppette this morning, eating her daily dandelion flower...
