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Need Advice ASAP on baby rabbits


Mama Doe
My mums neighbour has begun breeding rabbits, Female A had 2 babies that are currently 3 weeks old and Female B had 5 babies which are 1 week old. She mentioned she was having problems with the most recent lot, the mother isn't reglecting them (though this is her first litter) but she seems to be having issues passing milk, I went over to see and she isn't passing any milk at all and seems really sore when the babies tried. So we went for option B, try the babies in with Female A to see if she'll accept them and feed them. Female A didn't kick them out of the nest, and her 3 week old rabbits are really fond of them and nestle up with them all the time, but they rarely get a look in on milk. I tried to help by encouraging Female A to let them feed but she isn't so keen which is understandable. I've tried feeding the babies via a nursing kit bottle and syringe using slightly warmed goats milk and kitten milk on seperate occassion but as you can guess .... they aren't keen at all.

Now, neighbour goes away on holiday friday, and my mum will be taking care of them for her. What can you suggest that could help the situation. Obviously my mum will try perserver with syringe feeding them so she doesn't stress out the adoptive mother , but equally, there is no decent substitue to mums milk. I tried to see if things changed with rabbit B to see if could now feed but she can't.

I need help if these bunnies have any chance of survival o_O any advice?!
I will be ringing vet in the morning as he is rabbit savy, but any info from you guys would be great! :)
I would suggest you check out the sticky on accidental litters.
please try to discourage your neighbour from breeding rabbits. There are around 40,000 go through rescue centres per year in the UK and more are just dumped and die or are put the sleep because there is no rescue place for them. Why on earth did she also breed them right before going on holiday, this to me sounds just madness.
I used double strength cimicat, with a pinch of bio lapis added to it to rear Sparrow.
I think I fed her every 3 hours for the first week, dropped down to every 4, then 6, then 8 on a weekly basis by which time she was nearly weaned.
Good luck.