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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Myxomatosis Outbreaks 2012/13/14

So sorry :cry:

I'm curious as to whether anyone has any data on

a) how many buns vaccinated with the new combi vaccine have caught Myxi

and also b) how many vaccinated house rabbits contract myx ( by house rabbits, I mean ones that spend most of their time in the house with occasional access to outside grass on good days)

Myxi is one of the reasons that I won't put my buns in the shed & attached walk in run I built for them, but wondered if it makes much difference.
Alas poor Amy

So sad today our giant french lop Amy passed away today from myxi. We are in Surfleet just outside of Spalding, Lincs.:cry:
This is a dreadful outbreak. I lost one bunny who was vaccinated under the old vaccine .

Condolences to everyone who has lost to this awful disease x
Just been out with dogs and seen 4 wildies with mxyii in falkirk ....have also ggot email from vet he hhas treated 4 rabbits the pass week with it
Domino lost his fight against myxi today. We had to have him pts this morning. Im still in shock, was expecting him to pull through.:cry:
so sorry - there often seems no rhyme or reason as to why one succumbs whilst another survives .. .

Thank you. I think it was down to his immune system not being strong enough. He was such a nervous rabbit, always had tummy problems. Even just being picked up/handled stressed him out. He had his front teeth removed in September and I don't think he had got over that enough by the time he contracted myxi. His immune system just wasn't up to the job. As he was vaccinated, I didn't want to believe that he wouldn't pull through. Still in shock:cry:
My daughter is a student at hull uni and is living in cottingham , has just found a wild rabbit with what looks like myxi :( we lost a very loved bun to this many years ago so knows the signs . Poor thing was just sitting on the steps of the students flats it allowed her to pick it up . she said she didn't want to just leave it there alone so has gone back to find it and put it back in the bushes , think she wanted to take it to her room as she didn't want to leave it alone :( but she knows this would stress a wild bun out . There are a lot of wild buns at The Lawns where she lives , whats the best way to help these buns ? hope they build up a natural resistance or cull them :(

Just in case it's of any help - one wild rabbit found with myxomatosis about three miles west of Durham city. No longer suffering.
Out break in Carmarthenshire

I've just joined this group as I have been researching myxomatosis. My rabbit Beans contracted the horrific disease 6 weeks ago and when I took her to the vet I was told 4 other rabbits were diagnosed that week. Thankfully after alot of care and luck my rabbit pulled through but I know the others did not. I am so gratefull that she was so strong to fight it and is now hopping around my living room back to her usual stroppy self!
Suspected cases in Cliviger near Burnley in Lancashire, January 2013

I found a wild rabbit today that I strongly suspect had myxomatosis. I had never seen a case of it before, but having researched online I am almost certain the poor little thing had it. Its eyes were swollen and practically sealed shut and its breathing was very laboured. It was just sitting in the middle of the road. I took the rabbit to the vet, who said they would examine it and most likely have to put it to sleep if it was found to have the disease. Several other rabbits have been seen in the area recently with similar symptoms. It was very upsetting to see such suffering and I am disgusted that this has been inflicted on our rabbit population by humans. I signed the petition below.

Stansted airport - Essex

Saw a wild rabbit today near the airport with Myxy.
Theres probably thousands up there but so awful to see
Just seen on fb that apparently there's been an outbreak of Myxo and RHD in newcastle and its spreading to northumberland :wave: