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Myxi & vhd vaccinations


Warren Veteran
Hi, When I take my bunnies for the vacs they always give them the 2 injections on the same visit.. Does everyones vets do that ?
I have spoken to a few people & their vets only give the one injection they then have to go back for the other one a week later or so..
karen x
No! The VHD and Myxi jabs aren't licenced for use at the same time - it can cause a bun to feel very unwell if they get them both together. Its best - and I think most vets recommend having them two weeks apart?

Have your buns always been ok after having them together?
They should be, I think, at least 7 days apart. Although I must confess I dont know why. :oops:
I think they are actually supposed to be given two weeks appart!
I would think twice about your vet's expertise with rabbits if he's giving this advice!
No! The VHD and Myxi jabs aren't licenced for use at the same time - it can cause a bun to feel very unwell if they get them both together. Its best - and I think most vets recommend having them two weeks apart?

Have your buns always been ok after having them together?

Yes they were both fine after them...
Sorry.... We havnt been for jabs for a few motnhs and I couldnt remember. I just knew they couldnt be given together.
My vet does three weeks apart. Twinkle had her myxi on 28th December and he wants me to book third week in January for the other jab.
My vet did them both together at the same visit. But then they told me rabbits didn't breed till 5 months!!.............
So why cant they be given together? Is it because they put too much strain on the immune system or does some kind of reaction occure between the two vaccines?

Hmm just realised we dont have a confused emoticon.

Oh wait :?: da da. :lol:
The Vaccine manufacturers recommend that the vaccines are given 14 Days apart. This is because the vaccine needs a good immune response from the Rabbit to give optimum protection. Full immunity should have developed after 14 days. Giving both vaccines together puts enormous strain on the Bun's immune system and the vaccines may be rendered less effective

I think some vets when at vet school need to be taught how to read the medication/vaccination leaflets in the pack :?