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My rabbit hates every rabbit he meets does any one elses?


Warren Scout
I got my little lad as a rescue lad. He has been neutered etc, and has been meeting potential wifes. He has met several so far we have tried everything. But he is just not interested. As soon as I walk away he follows me and then won't stop pulling at me trouser leg until I pick him up and take him with me!

He seems so upset when there are other bunnies around that I am going to keep him on his own, as he seems happiest. Does anyone elses bunnys like there own company better than anything.

As I type he is in his hutch watching me and happily posting his shredded paper through the door, having a lovely time!
I have had a few buns like this in the past, Oakley was our house bun and she does wouldn't accept another bun, she did for a little while but then decided she didn't like him anymore. Jamima hated other buns with a passion, she eventually accepted another bun and now lives with 3 others, and Foxglove really hates other buns, she will attack them without warning and is far happier on her own.
I would personally find a rescue that would take a female back if bonding didn't work and try it.
at the moment you're his 'mate', and indifference to other bunnies is supposedly a good sign during bonding.

I wouldn't want to give up after a few dates that sound like they went very well! in a few weeks you could have a happy bunny couple. Especially if you asked the rescue to do the bonding for you - when he wouldn't have you as a distraction.

that said, you know your bunny much better than anyone else and I'm sure you know what's best for him. Sweet that you have a rabbit who's so attached to you!
I think he is so attached to me because his last owners just couldn't be bothered with him, so now he feels he has a slave he is unwilling to let it go! Him and the cat seem quite friendly too. The cats a bit scared of him but they do like to cuddle up! So perhaps he prefers the cats company!
Maybe he sees other rabbits as a rival for your attention. I guess if you have the time to give him a lot of attention he will be happy on his own. Poor bunny to have had such a poor start in life.

My friend's kids' were round at the weekend and they love to sit with our rabbits. They then go home and ask for a rabbit, but fortunately my friend knows that pets need a lot of attention and isn't being swayed. Plus, she has seen what hassle it was when they fell out. I would maybe give him a few more 'dates', but he perhaps he is happy being a single bun.
He has a big date now a week on Saturday, he is going on holiday for a week to a rabbit rescue where he is going to meet several bunnies and see if without his dad by his side if he is interested.

So he maybe a husband yet!!!!
Well Oscar has lots of failed bonds and meetings behind him, and it appeared that he really did hate other rabbits, but it seems that persistence pays cos last week he finally fell in love and is in his 6th day of bonding.
Hope it works out for your lad too!
You may well have more success letting him choose. Good luck.-sue:wave:

and it doesn't mean the end of your relationship with him either -if he gets a wifebun you will have two to follow you around.:D
My girl Bellie seems to prefer her own company - the lovely Helen tried bonding her twice with my other girlie, and then with a boy bun last week, but she gets very nervous and starts biting. She's fine with humans, so must just be the other bunnies! Poor girlie - I think she must have had a bit of a bad life before she came to me as she was sooooo nervous when we got her and she used to try and eat your fingers through the cage!