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my rabbit has Problems with the private areas

Hi everyone

My rabbit munchkin had to have her front teeth removed when she was a baby due to them being uneven however she's always had problems with cleaning her private areas so every day I clean her up. However I've recently noticed that she's been sitting in her litter tray lots and she sits in her urine and it's gone all over her fur and has dried. :?

Has anyone got any ideas how to get it off?

I'm thinking of going to the pet shop tomorrow and getting her some shampoo and giving her a bath will get rid of it and make her fur nice again

Any advice will be helpful :D

thanks for reading
Not something I've encountered before. Are you sure she doesn't have a urinary infection? It's not normal for bunnies to sit in their own urine unless they have another problem, such as arthritis. Has she been to the vet for a check-up jystto rule out any underlying problems?
Ive had many rabbits without front teeth and they have never had probs keeping themselves clean.... maybe as Mackers has said.... your bunny has a urine infection.... maybe a trip to the vets would be best.. x
Yes, as has been said, I would recommend a vet check to rule out any underlying health problem.
Hi everyone who replied

Thank you so much for the advice, I put her out in her pen and she runs around really well so I don't think it's arthritis but will get her to the vets to get her checked out for the urinary infection

thanks again :D x
Is your bunny overweight at all? This could cause her difficulty in reaching her private areas.

As already said....a trip to the vets is best.
I wouldn't use shampoo or a bath as it can be quite distressing. I would just use cotton wool and some luke warm water and wiper her down as best as you can.
jack has the same problems, and got prescribed some anti-biotics (good luck trying to get yours to eat them by the way, its not that easy! :lol: )
beforehand, i gave him a bath to get rid of most of the 'mess' - it wasn't particularly fun, but i really needed to get the wee off of him as the weather has starting making the flies make an appearance!
you could also wipe your bun down with some baby wipes - approx. 40p for a pack of 30 at asda - but the mess will not come off as easily
Yes, getting her checked out is a good idea :) What do you use in the litter tray - I find non clumping cat litter super absorbent and that will help wick away any urine before she can soak it if she's sitting too long.
I also think it could be a urine infection. Worth a check and some antibiotics from the vets.

I have had a bunny in the past who was prone to urine infections and I had to clean her every day. I used to bathe her with damp cotton wool, I used diluted iodine, but lukewarm water will be good if the scalding is not too bad. Then to dry bunny off I kinda patted her dry with a towel or kitchen roll. I also applied sudocrem to the sore area, but I would take your bun for a vet check prior to using any creams.
jack has the same problems, and got prescribed some anti-biotics (good luck trying to get yours to eat them by the way, its not that easy! :lol: )
beforehand, i gave him a bath to get rid of most of the 'mess' - it wasn't particularly fun, but i really needed to get the wee off of him as the weather has starting making the flies make an appearance!
you could also wipe your bun down with some baby wipes - approx. 40p for a pack of 30 at asda - but the mess will not come off as easily


I cleaned up my bunny today was so difficult you're right about getting the mess off it took ages. I do normally use baby wipes on her but today it had to be a bath because it would have taken even longer to get off :)

thanks for the advice x