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My Mose and Lucy


Wise Old Thumper
Mose is my oldest bunny and is around 7 years old. He's very young at heart though and runs around like a young thing :love: Lucy is 4 and just a lovely girl. Haven't posted any pictures of them in a while so here they are.





Thank youuuuuuu :D She's looking better than she did the other week :? That bloomin tummy of hers :evil:
thats due to you spotting the signs straight away :thumb:

She really worries me with this. She can be fine for ages then suddenly it's all to pot again :( Funny she always eats through the whole thing though - greedy piggy! :lol:

Thank you JemimaH :love:
Awwww two lovely bunnies! :love:

Lovely to see pics of them both - as you know me n' hubby have a very soft spot for Lucy especially xx

Sorry to hear she's been poorly - give her lots of nose-rubs from us! Glad to see her looking so well.