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My beloved Mopsy Popsy and dear sweet Elephant Bun

Jane Parry

Young Bun
For my beloved Mopsy Popsy, six years old, a little dark grey bunny with a white smudge on the right side of his nose. Loving and precocious, he made every day special. He passed to the bridge on my birthday, 13 May, and I could not be with him. Binky free my little Moppet. Daddy, Indy, Fluffybum (AKA Mrs Pie), Pyewacket, Cassie, Basil and Zippy (Zippers) miss you and send you their love.

For little Elephant Bun at my favourite farm, a sweet multi coloured little bun, we suspected your time was limited due to the growth on your head you were born with and it was only a matter of weeks until you passed to the bridge last week. Nevertheless you had happy days with your mum and brothers and sisters (who miss and love you) and much love and cuddles from me and others. Run free little bun kin. Play with Moppet, he will love you.

Kisses to Misty, Ruby, Morris, Mopsy I, Rosie, Daisy and your beloved Flopsy.


Please can someone tell me how to attach their pictures?
I'm so glad you posted little elebun on here, I was going to ask if I could if you didn't want to.

Binky free little bunny, have fun at the bridge xxxx

Binky free Mopsy, I know how much your mummy misses you xxxx

To post photos you need to upload them from photobucket. If you don't know how to do it, if you want to email me the pics I will post them for you x
Thank you for your nice messages. It's five weeks today and I still can't believe it. Some days I'm OK, others I'm a complete mess. I still feel bad that I wasn't there.

Liz - thank you so much, I will email one of each bun hopefully later today. I really appreciate your help.

Jane x
Jane has asked me to post these pictures of her beloved Mopsy and of little Elebun.

This is Mopsy ( she apologises for the state of the hutch, although it looks fine to me) He was such a gorgeous bunny.



And this is Elebun. Such a shame we never got to meet this lovely little bunny


Liz - these look great. Thank you so much for doing this for me.

Moppet has his mischievous glint in his eye in the first picture. He could wrap me around his little finger and he knew it. If I didn't fuss him at a particular time he would rattle his door until I did! These were taken some time last year. The ones of EleBun were taken either on 31/5 or 7/6 which turned out to be his last week up at the farm. All the other buns there seem to be doing fine, big and little and EleBun's brothers and sisters all seem fine and very fit and are getting big and very wriggly now.
