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Mr Binks


Young Bun
Yesterday morning at 2am I lost my precious baby boy.
I picked him up from a breeder who didnt want him because he was a runt and had decided to 'get rid of him' if nobody took him. He only weighed 200g when I picked him up but he was always so happy and inquisitive and everyone loved him.
He had pasturella his whole life and was on continuous antibiotics and eyedrops but it never dampened his spirit. When I moved back to uni he came with me and utterly destroyed my bedroom :)
The morning before I had taken him to the vets for more antibiotics and when he came home he was sluggish and sleepy and didn't eat or drink and went downhill very fast. Then at 2am I woke up to find him having a fit and by the time I'd got him out of his cage he was gone, I think his little heart just gave out.
He was only 5 1/2 months old but I wa so proud of him. Despite everyone saying he'd die in a few weeks he struggles through and managed to make it to 750g:)
My room is so empty now and every time I open the door and realise I won't see his happy little face looking up at me I feel a huge hole opening up in my life. He was the first animal I have ever owned that was mine in it's own right and he's taught me so much (I'm now a total bun convert and will always have them in my life). I miss him more than I ever thought I could and I'm just hoping that he's found my mum at the bridge and she's looking after him.
Love you Mr Binks my funny little baby boy, I'm so proud of you.
So sorry you lost your little boy, what a lucky bunny he was to be loved and cared for in his short life. Rest in Peace Mr Binks :(
I'm so sorry you lost him :cry: Sounds like he was a very well loved and cared for boy and I'm sure he enjoyed every day of his short life with you.

Binky free Mr Binks
I'm so sorry for your loss of your special bun :cry: He was very lucky to have found you and to have known love and happiness. x