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minimum size hutch

sorry to be totally off point but how do you manage having ferrets and rabbits? I adore ferrets and if I'm honest I wanted them much more than rabbits but the OH would only go for the bunnies. I really want to get some now but I worry that I'd smell of the ferrets and that would stress out the buns and that the smell of the rabbits would wind up the ferrets.

My rabbits are fascinated by the ferrets! I used to have the rabbits & ferrets at the opposite ends of the garden, and as soon as I let the rabbits out they'd go and check out the ferrets. I thought they would avoid them because the smell would make them wary. Not so for my two!:roll:

I got my ferrets from a rescue so know nothing about their first year of life (for the next 3 they were children's pets, but then the parents split and handed the ferrets back to the rescue, and they were really nervous and subdued because of how the children had treated them, but they're fine now), but I don't think they were working ferrets, which would be asking for trouble! The ferrets are curious about the rabbits, and they sniff each other through the bars, but the ferrets have never tried to bite the bunnies, and the rabbits are free to run away if they are worried/nervous at any time.

In fact, the rabbits chillaxing place outside of their hutch is about a foot in front of the ferrets hutch lol. The rabbits are now at the back of the garden too, so their hutches make a sort of "L" shape (not even remotely close to touching, but you know what I mean, I hope!) with one hutch against the back wall, and the other against the side fence.

Neither my rabbits nor ferrets seem bothered by each others smells on me, although I was given the advice never to handle "prey" animals before a "predator", so never the rabbits before the ferrets, but my ferrets are pretty daft and don't seem to care! If you're worried about smells upsetting someone, just make sure you always handle the rabbits first, then wash your hands/change your clothes depending on how much they are affected, if at all, then handle the ferrets.

I would never, ever even entertain the possibility of letting them meet without their cage door inbetween them. In fact I wouldn't have even encouraged them to get that close, but the rabbits did of their own free will and there's no stopping them lol, and the ferrets are not interested in them in a "potential food" kind of way.

I may have been lucky, but I believe that there are others on this forum with both, and I know of another person on a different forum too, so it can be done :D.

Sorry to babble on... :oops:

Sorry to babble on... :oops:


nope, very helpful, thankyou!
we did have ferrets and rabbits at the same time when I was growing up but i didn't really know enough about either of the animals to judge their moods and if they were reacting to the other.
nope, very helpful, thankyou!
we did have ferrets and rabbits at the same time when I was growing up but i didn't really know enough about either of the animals to judge their moods and if they were reacting to the other.

I think the biggest factor is the personality of each. Instincts will never go away, of course, but if my buns were nervy they might not have coped. But my buns have to put up with dogs barking and all sorts. They're 'ard lol. And my ferrets are just plonkers!
