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Mimzy's Head Tilt U/D for Oct 4 - An Unexpected Joy post 221

An update for October 4, 2012 - discontinued meclazine

Mimzy has been on 2 x 12.5 meclazine for almost the last four months to combat the dizziness that comes with headtilt. About a month ago I tried to stop using it because I worried I wouldn't see signs of relapse if he was medicated to remain balanced. Within hours he began stumbling again and so I figured his inner ear had not adjusted fully or healed from the illness. I continued medicating him until two days ago.

As the drugs passed from his system he became more alert, spunkier and eating better. And then, last night, he spent about twenty minutes throwing binkies. BIG ones. Popcorn hops that took him from one side of his xpen to the other. Not one stumble or fall. He shakes his ears out and remains upright. He can turn around and groom himself better. (And he is blowing his entire coat. The back and sides look like he's been hit with an Edward Scissorhands haircut!) I don't know if the sudden lack of chemicals has started his fur falling out or if he just has the energy to groom himself better, but he's down to skin and velvet over 50% of his backside.

But to see him throw himself into the air and come down to land on all fours like I haven't seen him do since he was wee...I don't think anyone besides a fellow bunny mum or dad could possibly understand my joy...I am beside myself just typing it!

Just had to share. And I don't want to jinx myself but I think he can hold his head a bit straighter too. When he's tired it still looks like his poor neck is broken ( :( ) but he definitely seems more like the Mimzy I remember pre-tilt.

I will begin therapy again with him to try to retrain his head and neck to sit right if he allows. But the sight of a tilted bunny binkying is definitely a most unusual and rewarding one.

Blessings to all and thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. :)
Awww, that has truly made my day! I really love it when I hear of a head tilt bunny getting over things :)

You really have given him so much brilliant care - what a credit he is to you :)
:love: :love:
He's so lucky to have a bunny mummy like you fighting his corner!!!
I'm so glad he's improving, noserubs for mimzy and a pat on the back for you! You work so hard for him :) xxxxxx