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Mimzy's Head Tilt U/D for Oct 4 - An Unexpected Joy post 221

Hi lilbun, thanks for asking. Sorry I haven't updated but I am losing sleep still and with it, a bit of hope as well.
He's much the same but for a little less appetite occasionally and now the nystagmus is worsening.
Vet thinks baytril has done all it can. She is leaning more towards chloramphenicol or pen-g if we want to continue treatment. She is once again suggesting it may be a tumor. I am beginning to sense that she feels I should end his life. :cry:
He is not in pain.
He is still eating and drinking for himself.
He is still mobile in his wonky way.
He still looks for me and wants a fuss.

But it's obvious his symptoms are returning. We need stronger medicine to my way of thinking. He worsened a bit after the mite treatment. It doesn't seem to have stabilized his skin/pelt much and perhaps added some toxicity/sensitivity to his system.
I have his second dose to be completed on 8/8. I am concerned about giving it now.

I left off his meclazine today to see if it was causing the nystagmus instead of easing it. His gait is wobbly this afternoon and the eyes are tracking even more than they were. :(

He is easily upset and confused. I'll not miss another dose.

Judy, thank you for your info on the echinacea and chloramphenicol. It isn't the vet who is OTT, it's me. I have terrible OCD and the drug frightens me with it's cautions. I have mild abx allergies too and overscrub my hands after dosing Mimzy as a rule.

I don't recognize this E45...is that just vitamin E?

All in all I am just trying to hang on at this point. I am not sure what the future holds, all my pets have one condition or other, winter will begin before I know it, my family is falling apart and I can't sufficiently rest or nourish myself due to stress.
I'm certain this all rubs off on the animals and I am only causing them more difficulty.

If my vet is right and Mimzy's symptoms are caused by a tumor, a diagnosis that can only be made by MRI...not affordable...and personally I think is a bit rubbish...how will I know when it is becoming something that will diminish his quality of life? Has anyone ever seen headtilt and it's resulting disabilities caused by a growth before?

I don't know if he's ever going to get any better and while I won't allow him to suffer I don't want to end his life just because my vet is tired of dealing with me. :(
Huge (((((((HUGS))))))) & hang on in there.
May I pm you about the E45? It's just a good hand cream, usually used to condition the skin in eczema.
I am sorry to hear that Mimz's symptoms have worsened again :cry:

I obviously cant say for certain what I would do, every case is unique. But met with the exact situation you describe and provided the Rabbit was coping and in reasonable spirits I would get the Penicillin injections started ASAP. I have had severely ill Rabbits on it DAILY reducing to every other day after 7 days. None had any adverse GI tract reactions at all. I would also continue with the Metacam. I would not give any more mite treatment but I would groom him twice a day if he can tolerate it.

If Mimz has more 'OK times' in his day than times where he is rolling/uncomfortable/depressed or distressed then having one final push at treatment seems a reasonable course of action to me

But if he has prolonged periods of being 'not OK in himself' every day then you would NOT be 'giving up on him' if you let him go. You would NEVER just give up on him. Any decision you make will be made with Mimz's needs as a priority. Sometimes we just cant make a Rabbit better and no matter what we may do or be able to afford to do the Rabbit would still not be able to recover.

When it was discovered that Sir Victor's untimely, sudden and totally unexpected death was due to a hemangiosarcoma (aggressive malignant tumour on his spleen) I felt I had failed him. I felt I should have done more, noticed more, been able to afford hi tech surgery etc. But in reality no amount of treatment, no amount of money, would have saved him. There are times when I still question myself, but I am fortunate in that the two Vets involved in Victor's care both support me, explain all the 'technicalities' of Victor's cause of death and the hopelessness of his diagnosis. So dont for one second think that you are not doing enough for Mimz, you are doing everything within your power to try to help him. None of us can do the impossible.

I know how hard it is to cope emotionally when caring for a very sick Rabbit alongside also having to try to cope with other very distressing situations in day to day life. Sometimes it can feel as though we are drowning and the total exhaustion is awful.

Mimz knows that you are always there for him and that you will only ever do what is right for him

Jane has said everything that I want to say, I agree completely. I am so very sorry that he is deteriorating again, you sound exhausted :cry:

Sending you lots of strength and a big hug xx
So sad to hear Mimzy isnt improving :( I too agree with what Jane said.

Sending loads of get well soon wishes to Mimz xxxxxx
Don't worry about posting when you're exhausted- you need your rest.

I'm sorry to hear Mimzy is still deteriorating :(

I was advised by 2 different vets to consider PTS for Tippex when she was poorly- almost 2 years on she's still with us and a very happy bunny but it was a good 4 months before she turned the corner and started to make significant improvements. Remember you know your bunny better than anyone- With headtilt buns often the vet will only see the bun at his/her worst, stressed, panting and rolling after a disorientating trip to the vets. I feel that any decisions should be based on how the bunny is at home- is the bunny able to get enjoyment from his/her life? I am not anti-euthanasia by the way but I do feel it is sometimes offered prematurely with headtilt buns and I do think there is the danger that it can be an easy solution to a complicated medical case for a vet.

If you feel close to giving up at times I see no reason not to pull out all the stops on treatment first- by this I mean steroid injections (up to 3 are usually offered), powerful antibiotics, and I personally can see no harm in trying another course of fenbendazole to see whether it helps if the only alternative on offer is euthanasia.

Thgis is purely my own personal opinion but I think it is possible that the worsening nystagmus could be related to a loss of confidence as Mimzy begins to feel very vulnerable with his disabling condition. Tippex used to experience this very badly- the nystagmus would get very, very bad when she was in unfamiliar surroundings e.g the top of the garden when she rarely goes or when she was stressed at medicine time for instance. Do you find that it is worse at certain times?

Big, big hugs. I appreciate how difficult things are for you at the moment. I hope things get better soon xx
Jane ((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))), lilbun (good to know Tippy is still going strong), prettylupin, gemma, and Jerz (waves-Hey chick! :) ), thank you all so much for your replies. You have all eased my mind greatly and given me much to think about.

Judy, thank you again for your kind PM. :love:

I tried to get hold of the second vet on Mimzy's case today to no avail. She simply does not return my calls. I WALK in tomorrow and put my foot down.
I don't know how successful I'll be with Pen-G. I simply rot at injections. I may at least attempt the chloramphenicol although I'd like to give his stomach a reprieve. I can't see driving him in the 60 mile round trip every three days for a shot and we have no visiting vets. I know the chloramphenicol is strong and penetrating. If it didn't get the job done we may well be at the end of our options. :(
I find him making a smaller amount of wee daily. I will have to at least get him more IV fluids. He's eaten a LOT of dandelion the last few weeks and minimal hay.
Could the high level of metacam be packing is kidneys in? He's taking 0.25 mls twice a day now. He is about 3 pounds.
He was sluggish this a.m. which scared me and was animated right after med time tonight. His wobbles are erratic in pattern. But considering everything I realize he may be doing better than most buns at this stage of the disease.
I'll work at getting a short video up of him. It may take me awhile but I want other eyes to help me evaluate him. I know you've never seen him completely right, but I'd still like to try. :)
Bless you all for being here. I'd be lost without you. :love:
A simple blood test by your vet to check kidney function should hopefully help to put your mind at rest as regards the metacam. The dose doesn't sound excessive to me if his kidneys are working ok. Just keep on trying to get the fluids into him.

I really feel it's time to give the more powerful antibiotics a go now.

I would love to see a video of him if you can manage to get one but no rush, just whenever you can xx
Personally I would not opt for blood tests as in reality what will it achieve *for Mimz* ? It wont offer any other treatment options. But it will be a stressful process for him and I think it to be very important to avoid additional stress where-ever possible.

With regards to the Metacam, yes there are risks. But in some cases it is necessary to weigh up risks versus benefits. If Mimz were my Rabbit I would accept taking the risk and continuing Metacam as he needs an anti-inflammatory, both for the CNS problems and his arthritis.

I have had/have several Rabbits on longterm Metacam and thus far not one has developed any Renal problems.

Lots more vibes being sent xx
aww bless him. So sorry that he is so unwell :( he's such a little fighter and you are doing so well with him. Mimzy is so lucky to have a bunny mummy like you.

I hope he will get better soon (((hugs))) Xxx
Thanks lilbun and Jane. :)
Well I may have found the problem(s)...
1) Mimz may have been a bit dehydrated. He got some extra greens yesterday and today his wee is much better. :) He's ten times more animated this evening.
2) Weather has been WEIRD. Two days ago we were in the 80's Fahrenheit ..tonight...I think it's trying to SNOW. :shock: This mercurial kind of atmospheric change always affects or worsens his condition.
3) I did skip that one dose of meclazine and he was a lot more wobbly. Tonight he is more steady on his pins.
4) And most embarrassing as I'm usually better about this...my refrigerator may be falling apart as we found the milk frozen today when the whole thing was thawing the other day. Yup. The Baytril was in there. As well as my stock of Pen-G. :( Probably no good for about a week now.
I got two weeks worth of chloramphenicol for him tonight. We'll begin this regimen in the a.m. The vet doesn't want to redo fenbendazole for a few days yet...give the abx a chance to work.
I hate using this stuff but apparently the pharmacist says you have to drink it to get aplastic anemia. So I won't be mixing any hard drinks with it anytime soon. ;)

How is it that rabbits don't get this as a side effect of this drug? And why don't vets prescribe Theramphenicol instead and avoid the risk altogether? It's supposed to be 5-10 times stronger and more effective. :?
If this doesn't work I'll have to have the vet teach me a better way to do the injections and I'll get some new Pen-G...but I hope it doesn't come to that.
I won't be taking him in for any blood tests. They have to take it from his ear under GA...not possible. He has the tiniest veins my vet's ever seen on an animal his size. :(

No idea what we're going to do should he really need a dental anytime soon. :(
One problem at a time....
Hi. I hope Mimzy is well today and less dehydrated now.

I fully understand why you don't what to do blood tests- I didn't want any additional stress with Tippy either!

How are you getting on with the chloramphenicol? Mimzy is responding well I hope?
I don't know much about thiamphenicol- I've never heard of it being used and as far as I'm aware it isn't licensed for small animals in the UK (I could be wrong though) which means that vets would be restricted in it's use due to the prescribing cascade regulations, plus I don't know what data is available on it's safety in rabbits

Lots more get well vibes for Mimzy xx
Well we're on day 3 of the drug. I tell you, I HATE this stuff. It does a number on my OCD. I've used it once before, years ago...but right now it's annoying the heck out of me that it is so dangerous. :(
I suppose he's doing a wee bit better. Less ear scratching/shaking, he rests more comfortably (almost flopped the other day, wish I'd had my camera ready!) But I'm pretty sure it's harder on his gut than the baytril. :(
If he still has nystagmus and wobbles after this round, my guess is we've done all we can and he may have permanent inner ear damage.

I wish his head would right itself. He can almost hop straight lines but you can see his perspective confuses him terribly. :cry:

Thank you all so much for the vibes. :love:
How long for his stomach to normalize?

So almost four days after starting the chloramphenicol we had to stop it because Mimz wasn't eating:
Last night he seemed to be eliminating and moving about a bit better...poos were back to decent size and moist, also a goodly amount though not optimum.

Overnight he ate all the hay I left but didn't produce many poos.
It's been almost nine hours and though he's still eating greens he's only made about five to ten poos. :(
Seems lively enough. Gets snarky if I try to groom/handle him. Belly seems full but he's eaten almost nothing but greens all day. Gave simethicone twice in last two hours in case he had gas. Tum became a bit easier to palpate but he still won't eat hay or hay cubes.
I am also beginning 1 gram benebac a day until I see improvement in wastes.
I have some willow wreaths I can pull leaves from for more fiber.
I also have oat hay to try if needed but he just seems singularly uninterested.

His nystagmus alternates between worse and manageable.
I am really worried. If he doesn't drop a bucket of bb's this p.m. I'll get downright frantic. :(
Any vibes going spare? I think we may need them in the next 24 hrs. :cry:

ETA: He just had some hay cube, pellets and willow leaves and left five smallish poos and two normal sized. Fingers crossed that a larger amount is pending.
I have been on holiday so not been keeping up to date with Mimzy. Just had a read through....oh the wee soul has been having a tough time!

Sounds like he is still a little fighter though.

Mega vibes for more poos from me x
Thanks Kermit :wave: I hope you had a nice holiday. :)
Yeah we've been through it. I can't believe he's been sick since June 10...no signs of the tilt improving any further and I am exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I do not know what the next day will bring and almost fear looking for him each morning with the dread that he is either gone or, God forbid, worsened and needing a decision from me. :(
It's just been a long haul and I am thoroughly spent. I admire anyone who has dealt with this all the way through and lived to tell the tale. :shock:
Ahh I hope he starts to feel a bit better soon.
And that he starts to do better poo's.
Sending many poo vibes to mimzy and hugs to yourself.