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Marsh has gone off pellets. U/D - Water bottle fault


Mama Doe
Marshmallow is 14weeks old.

Shes always been a good eater, not so much hay, but will eat anything you give her.

The past week Ive notices she hasnt been eating her pellets.

Shes now eating all her hay, and any carrots/greens/treats she is getting, but not pellets.

Should I be worried?
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It could be dental related, selective eating can be a symptom of dental issues. :) with some bunnies they won't eat hay when it happens, some won't eat pellets. And as you say she doesn't eat much hay so that could be a factor.
I'm not sure, I know spurs can appear surprisingly quickly in adult rabbits so it I guess it could be possible. The best thing would be to get them checked out.
What are her poos like ?

It is possible for a 14 week old Rabbit to have Dental problems if they have a Congenital Dental issue.
Ok so I think I found the problem this morning,

I normally always do the buns, morn and eve.
Thursday night the traffic was awful so I walked to the stables, and didnt get in until 10.30 so mum/bro done buns and closed them up.
They changed her water, I was also running late in the morning, so mum/bro opened them up,
So I didnt get to check on them.

Can you guess?

Somehow a suction had built up in the bottle and no water was coming out.

Ive changed her water bottle and today she has eaten all her pellets aswell as all her hay and hay cookie.

Im guessing the bottle is faulty as I only changed it last week to a large bottle as she does drink alot (shes a lop) checking it against the other bottles it definately doesnt let as much water out, poor girl much have been so dehydrated, keeping a close eye on her now!!