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Maddie 23.06.10


Warren Veteran
To my very special girl, Maddie Moomin, I remember the day i picked you up from Donna, you had only been in a couple of days and i hadn't seen your picture and didn't know anything about you but i wanted you anyway and i was blessed :love:

You were my friendliest girl, mummys snuggle bunny always happy to be picked up and cuddled. Joseph was so happy to be with you as well.

A few months ago I found you having what looked like a fit, no-one could be certain but it seemed almost definate. We got you over it and you perked up for a few months until i found you on Monday morning fitting again and you actually stopped breathing and went blue, you just couldn't get over that one sweetheart, your body was too frail (we don't know how old you were).

I hope you can understand why we had to let you go, you seemed ready and slipped away straight away to run to Rainbow Bridge and find old friends.

I am missing those Maddie cuddles already
Love always
Mummy and the rest of the family xxx

When you first arrived




Fast asleep!

Half asleep!

This was taken only Sunday
She was a little stunner.

So very sorry for your loss, sleep tightly gorgeous girl xxx

Binky free Maddie, Katie did her best for you, it was exactly 2 years to the day you spent with lots of love and Joseph.