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Lucky - Chicken


Mama Doe
You came to us with 3 other chickens from a local rescue,
You were always the boistrous bully, picking on poor old aggy, Fair to say at one point, I almost took you to a new home, because you were so nasty to the other chickens,
But with free run of the garden, you calmed a bit,

That horrible day when we found the doors had been left open and the fox had got in, you were the only bird remaining, still at this time you had no name,
But being that you survived the fox, we named you Lucky,
You did so well to cope on your own through the stress that must have caused, after this, we named you Lucky :)censored: lucky to be precise)
You ran free in the garden a short while after, with us watching closely, you came running for your meal worms, ran out your coop like the happy chicken advert,
You seemed so happy,
We eventually got you a new friend, again you picked on her so bad, she was afraid to leave the coop,
But over night she seemed to grow on you, and you stayed by her side,
She was still quite reserved and wouldn't come out, the first day you stayed with her, the second you went out, 3rd you did the same and she nearly followed you,
This day was very windy, and you seemed happy in the morning, but come the afternoon, you seemed a little reserved, I put it down to the wind,
When I shut you up that night, I noticed you laying on the bottom of your coup, instead of on the perch where you always perched, you seems unresponsive even with me there, but it was dark, windy and rainy still, normally you give me a goodnight burr.

I opened you up a little later than usual this morning,
With the wet and windy weather, I had to wait for help to do the rabbits and we open you all up together,

I opened the door, and you were laying there, so peaceful, my heart sunk,
You went through so much in your life, and now you are gone :cry:

I hope you enjoyed your life here Lucky,

We enjoyed having you here,

Run free now, and be with your buddies.

We will miss you, you stroppy, funny, lucky bird you.
