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lost one of our bunnies last night


Young Bun
we had 2 bunnies brother (fixed) and sister both 2 years. Fluffy a REW male with black ears, tail, nose and 'socks', Patch a tan and white female. they couldn't be more different in personality. Patch was very skittish and hated being picked up where she would growl and bite if you tried, sometimes she would let you pat her when she was in the mood......mostly me. Fluffy is a pretty chilled out rabbit who will let you pat him but is not fond of being picked up. He has a game he likes to play - he will sit as you approach him and hop away a few feet, then as you catch up he does the same....he will do this for ages and zoom off when he has had enough. They both had different resting spots - Fluffy under cover by the back door, Patch would lay under an old trampoline on the grass and on top of the hay bag, Fluffy like the old table beside it.
Yesterday afternoon I noticed Patch laying on her side under the trampoline and approached her, she didn't move as I expected. I bent down and patted her and she sat up but didn't make any attempt to get away. As I was heading out with the family for a few hours I placed her in the outside hutch with a bowl of water instead of the bottle and fresh spinach leaves her favourite. When we came home they were untouched. They both sleep inside but we thought it best that Fluffy slept in the outside hutch to give his obviously sick sister some space in their bedtime cage.
We decided to monitor her and take her to the vet first thing in the morning. After a few hours she squealed and my partner picked her up where she died in her arms. By now there was visible signs of her illness which weren't clear before. We contacted a vet in the morning who told us she probably died of pneumonia. I prepared a place for her in her favourite part of the garden (an old raised garden bed, they liked to dig there and eat the grass) as I was doing this we left her with Fluffy who sniffed and licked her for about half an hour before he hopped away. For the rest of the day we watched him, he sat in her places not something he would do normally. He spread out under the trampoline and laid on the hay bag (I have never seen him there before). Tonight in his cage he is barely eating and drinking, I took him out for awhile and placed him on my lap where he sat again unusual as he would have jumped down. We are very worried about him and still upset ourselves over Patch.
So sorry you lost one of your bunnies. I would recommend getting Fluffy a check over at the vets. They do mourn but it could also have been something contagious, you can't be too careful!
Sorry you lost one of your rabbits. I would recommend getting your other two seen by the vet as soon as possible, particularly as one already seems unwell. Rabbits go downhill so very quickly and it is not worth the risk of leaving it.
we had 2 bunnies brother (fixed) and sister both 2 years. Fluffy a REW male with black ears, tail, nose and 'socks', Patch a tan and white female. they couldn't be more different in personality. Patch was very skittish and hated being picked up where she would growl and bite if you tried, sometimes she would let you pat her when she was in the mood......mostly me. Fluffy is a pretty chilled out rabbit who will let you pat him but is not fond of being picked up. He has a game he likes to play - he will sit as you approach him and hop away a few feet, then as you catch up he does the same....he will do this for ages and zoom off when he has had enough. They both had different resting spots - Fluffy under cover by the back door, Patch would lay under an old trampoline on the grass and on top of the hay bag, Fluffy like the old table beside it.
Yesterday afternoon I noticed Patch laying on her side under the trampoline and approached her, she didn't move as I expected. I bent down and patted her and she sat up but didn't make any attempt to get away. As I was heading out with the family for a few hours I placed her in the outside hutch with a bowl of water instead of the bottle and fresh spinach leaves her favourite. When we came home they were untouched. They both sleep inside but we thought it best that Fluffy slept in the outside hutch to give his obviously sick sister some space in their bedtime cage.
We decided to monitor her and take her to the vet first thing in the morning. After a few hours she squealed and my partner picked her up where she died in her arms. By now there was visible signs of her illness which weren't clear before. We contacted a vet in the morning who told us she probably died of pneumonia. I prepared a place for her in her favourite part of the garden (an old raised garden bed, they liked to dig there and eat the grass) as I was doing this we left her with Fluffy who sniffed and licked her for about half an hour before he hopped away. For the rest of the day we watched him, he sat in her places not something he would do normally. He spread out under the trampoline and laid on the hay bag (I have never seen him there before). Tonight in his cage he is barely eating and drinking, I took him out for awhile and placed him on my lap where he sat again unusual as he would have jumped down. We are very worried about him and still upset ourselves over Patch.

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Rabbits can and do mourn the loss of a companion.

Would you be able to take Fluffy to the vet for a check up? Just to be sure he doesn't have anything he could have caught from Patch, which is making him particularly quiet.

Welcome to the Forum, and I hope you will stay around :)
:( so very sad. I'm sorry for you & Fluffy. I'd go for a vet visit too. Our bunny Noodle was badly affected by her sisters death, the psychological stresses manifesting in head tilt. That was within 24 hours :( My other bunnies responses have varied a lot. His behaviour does sound like he is really missing her at the moment but that in itself can make him susceptible to physical stuff. Hopefully he's fit & healthy & will cope with his loss much better in the days to come.
:( so very sad. I'm sorry for you & Fluffy. I'd go for a vet visit too. Our bunny Noodle was badly affected by her sisters death, the psychological stresses manifesting in head tilt. That was within 24 hours :( My other bunnies responses have varied a lot. His behaviour does sound like he is really missing her at the moment but that in itself can make him susceptible to physical stuff. Hopefully he's fit & healthy & will cope with his loss much better in the days to come.

I took him to the vet this morning and the vet said he is in fine physical condition, he took a blood test which we will know about next week but he said we needn't worry. The vet said he will be mourning in his own way and that can last from a few days or weeks. He seemed fine this morning running around outside and eating grass. He did however growl at me when I tried to pick him up and that was unusual but I guess he just wanted to be left alone so I did.
He will get plenty of TLC, especially over the next few weeks. thank you for your thoughts
Fluffy is doing a lot better now. This afternoon I got a 'bunny kiss' to my leg and we played his chasey game for the first time this week. He has a few more small toys to play with and seems to like an aerosol cap which he throws around. He loves his pats now more than before and is getting plenty. He still lays on the hay bag, I guess it has her smell and gives him comfort. Thank you for all your kind words