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lonely bun?


Young Bun
I originally had two male mini lops who lived very happily and loved each other but last night while i was working and my partner was sleeping one of our gorgeous boys was stolen from his hutch, his poor brother was shaking and hsa now been brought inside. He is eating and drinking and pooing but he seems so lost not really wanting to play with anything (my bunnies love to play) and just not himself, If we dont get his brother back, which is doubtfull will, brandy be ok by himself and how can i help him, it has already been decided he is going to be and inside bunny
I would get him neutered & get him a partner:D

He may well be grieving - one of my buns recently lost her partner (to myxi) & she was definitely down for a few days.
they were both neutured, so i don't have to worry about that, how long should i leave it, we are trying to find his brother posters vets rescue the lot have been on the phone a lot today, i do want to try and give it a week or two before we give up will he be ok with human company till the, im around a lot at the moment as im pregnant and cant do a lot of shifts due to the nature of my work
Such a shame,that's why my two are house rabbits,we have a road on three sides of the garden so folk can see in.It's not secure alas from two legged human vermin!:evil:
yes i know, my other boy brandy is no safely indoors and will never be going back out again apart from to have a run around in the run when im there to scare off all the people who even dare look in my back garden, im just a worried about he is so lost i knwo he is greiving for his brother i just hope me and my partner can make him happier for now
yes i know, my other boy brandy is no safely indoors and will never be going back out again apart from to have a run around in the run when im there to scare off all the people who even dare look in my back garden, im just a worried about he is so lost i knwo he is greiving for his brother i just hope me and my partner can make him happier for now

Oh it makes me mad!:evil: Poor bun.
I'm so sorry this has happened. Awful, evil people.

I'm afraid I don't know about whether a bun can get over the loss of a companion (I know they very often do when they meet a new friend) but I can say that Bob is an indoor bun and (although he's yet to tell me to my face) I think he's really really happy being the only bun and gets all the attention he could want. Sometimes he gets fed up and hops off for some peace and quiet.

I do think (from what the lady on your other thread said about hers) that you might well get him back with the help of posters. Fingers crossed for you.

He will defintely be lonely. One of mine had to go to the vets for 4 days the other week and the other one was totally lost and confused. He was quiet and not his usually bouncy self and didnt want to know us at all.
I originally had two male mini lops who lived very happily and loved each other but last night while i was working and my partner was sleeping one of our gorgeous boys was stolen from his hutch, his poor brother was shaking and hsa now been brought inside. He is eating and drinking and pooing but he seems so lost not really wanting to play with anything (my bunnies love to play) and just not himself, If we dont get his brother back, which is doubtfull will, brandy be ok by himself and how can i help him, it has already been decided he is going to be and inside bunny
OMG,this is one of the reasons I could never have outside buns.Poor you & your bun.If you bring him in as a houserabbit he will be fine alone if he gets lots of attention from you.I have had many single housebuns.You could always get him a new friend in the future if you think he is lonely.:)
I am so sorry to hear about your rabbit. I hope he is found safe and returned to you. Why are people so evil.

As to the remaining rabbit, I had a single house rabbit for ten years. He thought he was royalty.
Any news on this? I would find him a friend - possibly a wifebun - as soon as possible as there is nothing worse than watching a lonely bun. How can people be so awful...?