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Little Mini Mallow - any vibes/advice would be appreciated

Thanks guys. She seems ok this morning. No change really. Has been snuggling with the other buns a lot. The vet said to keep her separate from the others to keep an eye on what she's eating but i chose not to. She is eating like a horse so i know she's ok in that respect and i think that being away from the others would only be detrimental to her health. I think if she doesn't have long left I'd rather she was with the ones she loves than on her own. If she recovers, then it means not having to try and re-introduce a poorly animal to a group of three, which again could stress her out.
Thanks guys. She seems ok this morning. No change really. Has been snuggling with the other buns a lot. The vet said to keep her separate from the others to keep an eye on what she's eating but i chose not to. She is eating like a horse so i know she's ok in that respect and i think that being away from the others would only be detrimental to her health. I think if she doesn't have long left I'd rather she was with the ones she loves than on her own. If she recovers, then it means not having to try and re-introduce a poorly animal to a group of three, which again could stress her out.

100% agree. You basically need to buy time until the antibiotics kick in properly. My group are often very protective of a bun who is ill, (although it can go the other way) but if she's eating and snuggling then I'd definitely leave her where she is. It's good she got through the night. When will the antibiotics start working properly? Sending vibes! :wave:
100% agree. You basically need to buy time until the antibiotics kick in properly. My group are often very protective of a bun who is ill, (although it can go the other way) but if she's eating and snuggling then I'd definitely leave her where she is. It's good she got through the night. When will the antibiotics start working properly? Sending vibes! :wave:

It made me well up because yes the other three are seeming to be very protective of her and snuggling around her. Lucy is constantly grooming her and snuggling with her. She's a total mother hen :love:
I'm not sure exactly when they will start working properly but I just hope it's in enough time to do something about it :?
I think if it had been winter I would have definitely brought her in but as it's so warm she's better off where she is.
Thanks for the wishes everyone.
She doesn't look so clapped in now which is a relief and does seem a bit brighter. I've got a two week course of antibiotics to give her so am really hoping they do the job. Thanks a lot for asking how she is and thinking of her :)
just want to add my well wishes for her to the thread but you know already i'm hoping so much she will pull through. mallow is such a lovely lovely bunny and i'm so sorry nicky shes not well xxx give her a snuggle from me please x
Aww thank you m'lovely :) Have just given her supper which she gobbled up. Will give her a huge huggle from you tomorrow morning when I give her meds xx