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Litter trays - what do you use?

nursecroft, don't they have holes in the bottom though? I bought one intending it to be a bed and they used it as a litter tray and I did think about using it as a permanent litter tray but it has holes in it. :?
I use one of those plastic under bed storage boxes from Wilko - would recommend, it's ideal and plenty big enough for two :thumb:
I use them storage boxes designed to go under beds :) I got mine from a local shop but I think you can get them in places like B&Q
Storage boxes from Wilko's too here. Perfect size and high enough to stop accidents over the edges :D

I have 2 large square litter trays from the pet shop think about £3.00 each (for cats i think) about the size of one and half newspapers long and a large triangular one that came with the bunny and he likes it so kept it for now, I am a megazorb convert now it's fab stuff.
We use potting trays from the garden centre they are about £7 but ideal for 2 buns to sit together in and ideal for old bunnies being so low.

As used by Helen.
after all these years and bunnies..ive bought so many diff litter trays and tried underbed box etc but a middle aged frenchie with pasturella and a poorly paw was a big worry.
so i found one its pricey but berties only ever managed to wee over the dropped front once!! its massive meant for puppies but sits a big frenchie bum lovely...and would be great for 2 or more buns.

its £12.99 tho:(

years ago i got ferplast trios..actually a cat/dog bed/bath but great for little buns...to be honest very much like a babys bath..go to the charity shops..a baby bath is great as one end becomes the hayrack.
I need to find something new to use. Jack ALWAYS shoves his litter tray forwards, pees over the back - and poops! - so my carpet is wrecked. He has a large cat litter tray with higher sides to try and prevent this, BUT he is also a litter tray gnawer. :roll: He customizes each one and drives me insane with nibbling bits off in the early hours...

I thought about getting a high backed corner one, but I KNOW he would shove it forwards and just go behind it. I might have to get a plastic storage box type thing of a size that can be jammed securely into one side of his puppy crate so he just can't move it at all.
have you tried popping puppy pads underneath the tray so it sticks out under the overhang?

berties tray is massive and triangular...hes a frenchie and he has oodles of room in it to sleep even....:shock:

if youre interested ill pm you the link;)