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Litter Tray - Very Fastidious?


Mama Doe
Our mini-lop house rabbit has been a good litter tray user for a long time.

In addition to her indoor hutch, she has free-range access to the garden for several hours every day with a shelter in which she can hide, plus plants and bushes to play round. There's space to run and jump but sometimes she just sits on the roof of the shelter for an hour or two if it's warm.

She has what we believe is a good diet with loads of Timothy hay, some green veg, Science Selective pellets (transferring slowly from Burgess Excel because she prefers SS), some fruit, etc.

Slowly, she has decided that she will ONLY use her indoor litter tray for its intended purpose. Hardly any signs of poops anywhere else, but masses on the indoor tray. Even a second litter tray in the garden does not seem to have the desired effect. Sometimes, she waits by the door to get in and then rushes to the litter tray.

It's not only the garden where she does this. After a night in the indoor hutch, she rushes out to the tray, uses it, and then settles down or hops about entirely normally. If she's inside the house in one or several rooms, she always goes back to the litter tray when she needs it.

Is this normal or just a very fastidious bun?

We are concerned that if she is left outside for several hours she might 'explode' while she waits.

Any thoughts?
Oh I wish I could borrow your bun to teach my little Jess what to do, she is the complete opposite and is a walking, or rather hopping poop-machine and just does it everywhere :censored:

I don't know if it's entirely normal what she is doing, i know rabbits are supposed to favour one particular spot, but you would think she would have an indoor spot and an outdoor spot, rather than crossing her legs until she can get indoors.

Have you tried putting some of the soiled litter from the indoor box into the outdoor box to see if that ensourages her to use it? We don't want any exploding bunnies :shock: