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Litter Training


Young Bun
Hi, as many of you know, we have 2 male Dwarf Lops, 12 weeks old, we have always had a litter tray in the corner of the hutch which they use to wee in but how do you train them to also poo in it? Is this possible?? I should imagine it is as a lot of users on here seem to have house rabbits.

How do we do this??

Any advice greatfully received!! xx
With my two boys I just used to pick up their poos :oops: and put them into the litter tray until they got the hang of it. They soon picked up on it and do nearly all of their poos in the tray now, although when I clean them out they always go around doing a few poos in their cage just to mark their territory! Don't think that can be avoided. They never poo in the house now though when out and about luckily. You may find if they are not neutered that they poo and wee around the house to mark territory, mine used to! :roll: