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Litter Training in the House


New Kit
We have just moved house so for the first time my bunny is a house rabbit. I have tried litter training him and for the first two weeks he was doing for a wee in his litter tray and but has now stopped and goes anywhere. He is also pooing and spraying constantly. Any advice? Im going to get him neutered to stop the spraying, but worried that will change his personality, he is the friendliest bunny ever.
Hello!:wave:My bunny has just started to use his tray for all wees and some poos but not always! He has been neutured a couple of months ago & this helped loads!! It shouldn't change his personality, in fact it should make him even more friendlier! He is marking his territory when he sprays which neutering should stop (mine did anyway). I just perservered to train him by putting some soiled paper in the tray everytime he did a wee/poo. It can be hard work but be patient & he will learn. You need to make him use the litter tray in his cage first before even trying to attempt to get him to use it out of the cage. Mine seems to hold his wee & poo until he gets back in!!! Bless! Hope this is of some help!:)
Hello! thanks for replying. will get him neutered then. he is constantly rampant also, anything fluffy hasnt got a chance! also if someone new comes into the flat, he runs around them in circles then sprays! poor thing.
everytime i wipe up a wee with tissue i put it in his tray but he is a silly thing
I think you may have given him too much freedom at once, try keeping him in a small area where his toilet is for a week or two, then gradually increase his space a bit at a time hopefully you will find that he will keep returning to his own "Territory" for toileting;)
This is what happened when we first had Oscar and it worked a treat:p
It made me deflated when he wasn't learning but so happy when he did!!:D I agree that you need to confine him to a small space first. He hates laminate floor which is in the hall so has no choice but to stay in the living room on the carpet!!!:lol:Good luck but honestly he will get the hang of it soon!!:)
Sorry to hijack thread but how do i litter train this.....


Its a giant rabbit crossed with a bull and a pez machine :shock:
Neuturing is a good idea, luckily my boy was trained before he was neutured! He's still the same old bun too, over a month after his op even though he's now got a wifey too :)

Of course there has to be a litter tray inside of his cage/crate/whatever you use but also make sure there's another tray for when he's out. Benjamin would pee near the fireplace when we first got him and he was out, so we got another tray, placed it where he had pee'd and he's not pee'd anywhere else since. That's about four months now.

He's had accidents where he's accidently missed the tray, but nothing intentional. Once he's neutured, why not get him a girlfriend? I thought Ben would be okay on his own but now he has Verity, I wouldn't have it any other way (remember to wait at least a month).

Anyway, Good Luck!