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Julie is nuts. Please share your bunny's odd behavior.

Storm used to throw his treat ball at the wall until all the treats spilled out, they soon work out the fast way when food is involved :lol:
this afternoon my bun couldn't get pellets out of his ball think they;re still in there, he just kept nudging it and then getting bored :lol: dopey :roll:
tonight I gave buns some pieces of carrot. As usual, there was plenty for everybun but Sugar picked a piece up, ran away to hide, as soon as she got to hiding place, she obviously decided it wasn't safe enough there, and was going to be pinched by somebun else, and ran somewhere else, and repeated the whole thing over several times. She kept running/changing her mind/running. Meanwhile the other buns were munching contentedly on their own carrot pieces so weren't interested in hers anyway :lol:
tonight I gave buns some pieces of carrot. As usual, there was plenty for everybun but Sugar picked a piece up, ran away to hide, as soon as she got to hiding place, she obviously decided it wasn't safe enough there, and was going to be pinched by somebun else, and ran somewhere else, and repeated the whole thing over several times. She kept running/changing her mind/running. Meanwhile the other buns were munching contentedly on their own carrot pieces so weren't interested in hers anyway :lol:

Nutmeg does this. :roll: takes her forever to eat her Fibrefirst pellets but at least with those she can pick them up and run with them whereas with normal pellets Smudge chases her away.
Too many to mention...:lol: Barley often turns his food bowl over to check through for things he likes, he also likes to 'attack' the wire of his hutch/scrabble at the door for attention, especially when we are fussing the other 2 buns! He can also put his food bowl in the top of his water bowl, and get the food bowl into his litter tray the right way up!

Pippin will stand with her back feet on the ground and reach up to her food bowl in the hutch when she could just get up there and not have to stretch!:lol:

I love alll these weird things they do!!!