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Its really tough being a bunny aint it! Lola n Lucy!

Its ace aint it!! They love the donut - its the only bed they dont pee and poo in! Thats pic made me melt, made me want to be bunny sized and crawl in with them!

There aint no way ANYONE will fit in there!! How snug and comfy is that.Gorgous pic!!Theyre lovely and get on so well.
Mrs Bun wants to kill Beebee..well,hes still got his bits "Off with them" I hear her shout!!!:lol:
Where's B&M... what's B&M... must get doughnut for Teddy!! :) your buns are just adorable all snuggled up x

B&M is a cheap shop selling all sorts of stuff, similar to home bargains and wilko combined but cheaper. i have a B&M near me, so will be going tonight to get one! Hope they are not closed before I leave my job at 5pm!
Put B&M in your google search and it will find it for and see if they have near you.

BTW, what a cute pic!!!! I hope my bunny does that when i get it tongiht, and not destroy it!
Bunny Meltdown!


this pic would of so won the sleepy bunny comp in bunny mad :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: