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Is there a breed you keep your eye out for?

I have a thrianta :) she is very very naughty. I did think to myself the other day if I wanted another where would I get one from, I wouldn't have a clue where to find a breeder or one in rescue (which I do think is rare) I got ruby from a work colleague of my mother in law who had bought a pregnant doe. I don't even think this lady works with my mother in law any more so I'm not sure where the doe came from!

I saw one in a rescue the other day when I was going through the rescue list checking websites/contact details were up to date. Can't remember which rescue now though :oops:
Two buns is pretty much my limit, due to space . . . but I would love love love a Thrianta! :love:

A Nethie would be a close second. They just look so naughty and grumpy! :lol:


I was curious about the Thrianta as I've never really researched the breed before, beyond Google images :roll: and I found this, which is really interesting!

The origin of the Thrianta rabbit is the Netherlands, where it is pronounced Tree-aan-ta. It was developed during the 2nd World War by a Mr H Andrea of Assen in the Netherlands and is named after the ancient name for the province of Drenthe from where it originated.

History reads that Mr Andrea who was a teacher and geneticist of flowers and plants, as a token of respect to the Dutch Royal Family regularly displayed marigold flowers in his window. One day however he was ordered by the German occupiers to remove them since this outward sign to the national colour of orange was not tolerated. Whilst already a rabbit breeder this gave him the reason to say “If I can no longer put orange flowers in my window then I will breed orange rabbits”.

After many attempts using a variety of breeds including Tans, Havanas, and an amber coloured Papillion he was successful in creating the first Thrianta which was first standardised and recognised in the Netherlands in May 1949.

Taken from: http://www.thriantauk.moonfruit.com/#/thrianta/4556234406
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Wow Tamsin! I thought that they were pretty rare anyway so almost impossible to find one in rescue! Too bad two bunnies is my limit, I love thriantas though whether I could cope with two naughty ginger bunnies though, I'm not sure! I wish I could have a trio to squeeze one in.
I've seen a few go through rescues over the years, definitely not common but probably one or two a year. Found the rescue I was thinking off...



I'm pretty sure that's a thrianta :) Neutered lady, currently in Lincolnshire... if anyone is looking ;)
Well I am going to be looking for a neutered lady...! XD No, not until Lopsy's back outside realistically!
Not fussy about breeds, but have a soft spot for REWs of all shapes, sizes and fur types. I'm not so keen on Rex fur - they are very handsome, but I prefer longer or fluffier fur. Having said that I once chose to sponsor a rabbit that happened to be a Rex.
Yep she is a thrianta, looks just like my ruby except ruby is a bit chubbier round the face. Lincolns not far for me, oh I wish I could squeeze in another bunny!
I'd love a baby nethie, especially a lilac one, but not going to happen as next bun will be a rescue bun.
Big squishy frenchies :love: I have a soft spot for all lop eared buns and larger breeds but I decided if I ever get another bun i would go for an uppy eared bun (if the personality was suitable) partly because I don't think I should pick a bunny purely on looks (for the squishy cheeks :lol: ) but the health reasons, bunnies aren't supposed to have those gorgeously squishy cheeks :(

....I realise I've said squishy too much in this post :lol: