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Is our 'lean to' a suitable bunny home?

Fifi's cute!

I think her home looks fine, especially as she has access to the next room too. If you're worried she hasn't got enough space, you can always add some low shelves or something like an old coffee table for her to jump onto and to add a bit more interest for her. :)

I think I definatley be thinking of bonding her with Leo though - bunny couples are so cute together! I guess you could see what happens if you put them together (neutral space is a must) whilst Leo's unneutered. If it's worked for Mrs Ord, it could work for your two.

I should think you'd be likely to find that Leo would hassle Fifi too much though, in which case you'd need to think about neutering. Find a vet you're happy with and if you or the vet are worried about Leo's age, get a blood test done before just to check he's fit enough for the anestetic (sp!). :)
Thanks, Georgie, she is adorable! Her & Leo have been having 'supervised playtime' for a good hour or so now, since I got home. He's been surprisingly calm with her, a couple of 'honk 'n' chase' moments but if I tell him off he comes and sits by my feet, which seems a bit odd! But they are currently sitting nose to nose under the dining room table :love:

I'm still umming and ahhing about what to do, I know it's not the best for both of them but I have fallen in love with her. I actually got a call from a colleague's sister today saying she would love to have her - I cried at the thought of it, it was heartbreaking!
Thanks, Georgie, she is adorable! Her & Leo have been having 'supervised playtime' for a good hour or so now, since I got home. He's been surprisingly calm with her, a couple of 'honk 'n' chase' moments but if I tell him off he comes and sits by my feet, which seems a bit odd! But they are currently sitting nose to nose under the dining room table :love:

I'm still umming and ahhing about what to do, I know it's not the best for both of them but I have fallen in love with her. I actually got a call from a colleague's sister today saying she would love to have her - I cried at the thought of it, it was heartbreaking!

This sounds so promising already!! If he's honking he's liking ;) If she's ok with his shows of affection they i'd get started this wekend and try to bond them. The signs are similar to Lilly and Calisle's first meeting and that was a love at first site bond. Fingers crossed for you. BE BRAVE :D

I'll just say I'm not against having my boys done its just for now there really is no need. IF they turn in to humpy monsters and the girls get anoyed and I think the bond is at risk then I would get them done at a later date and rebond.