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Indoor Runs? When Mum & Dad are at work?


Young Bun
Hi does anyone have any ideas about what would be suitable for Ash, when were at work? What do you fellow rabbit fans do? Up until now hes had free reign but my bf was home now hes got a job.

I have an 8 panel trixie run which is good but if you want to use it unsupervised you'd need to use cable ties to connect the panels (mine have learned to push the pins up and disconnect the panels at the bottom) which would make putting it away a pain.

I've also got a fabric run for my gerbils :oops: that I'm going to put the buns in on bonfire night because it's got a mat on the bottom to stop pee getting on the carpet. The biggest one you can get is 145cm diameter but essentially the rabbits could chew their way out.
I think the metal playpens are your best bet or even better could you rabbit proof a whole room?
I saw the panels can they push them apart or are they quite solid?
I liked the pixie material run because it means we can take it down to Bristol and xmas. But i wondering can they chew themselves free? lol Ash isnt bright enough to work out how to take it apart but he will presistantly chew it. (like hes started doing with his cage) His teeth are tiny he just does it to protest when hes been put to bed!!
I wouldn't use a material run myself, would be scared a rabbit would chew their way out or ingest any chewed fabric.
That might be possible as we may of just found a nice new place to live with a perfect room. And the guy were sharing with said "this can be for your bunny" :) nice to here given everyone else said "it (dont refer to my bun as it or ill call your child "it") can live outside or in your room. :( He hates outside gets very terrified, poor pet shop bun but at least hes out of there now n living like a king :) .
Mine went in a material run when they stayed at my uncle's when we were away but only supervised. I just know a determined rabbit would rip it apart.

I found the easiest thing was to bunny-proof a room. Or the pen panels but then you have the worry of them climbing so you'd have to add a roof. NIC panels are good.
If your rabbit can't freerange atm, then I would go for a puppy pen with a sheet pegged over the top to prevent escape!

In the long term it's definately easier to just rabbit proof your home and let them freerange :D
Okay will see what they say about the council tax on this new flat. And speak to the flatmate check out the room. Really hope I can afford the move because it would be much better for Ash :)