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im getting up in 2.5hours to check on jose U/D Post 112 - SHE'S HOME!!!

Well she's been home for about an hour now :D and she's already chewed our newly plastered living room walls (they were done yesterday!), the skirting boards, the doors, my shoes, my trousers and the fireplace - so i think its safe to say she's back to her normal cheeky self :D:lol:

She's eaten some basil, hay and a few treats as well :D

Oh and she's pooed everywhere! Lets hope she's re-litter trained quickly!

The vets have given us a days worth of Metacam and Baytril and 3 days worth of Zantac syrup (which actually smells quite nice :oops: ) so i'm going to have some fun trying to syringe feed her those :roll:

We're so happy to have her home :D:love:

Also, I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for their vibes and get well soon wishes, it really meant a lot to know that you were all there x