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Icy Noms!


Warren Scout
Put some strawberries in some water and put in the freezer last night, gave to the rabbits this morning to lick so they could stay cool. They loves it :D


Ooo that looks very yummy for them!! I like the bowl idea, I used ice cubes with bits of carrot in, but Harvey lays on them until they melt, then gets up dripping wet and eats the carrot :roll: this definitely looks like it would last longer!
Ooo that looks very yummy for them!! I like the bowl idea, I used ice cubes with bits of carrot in, but Harvey lays on them until they melt, then gets up dripping wet and eats the carrot :roll: this definitely looks like it would last longer!

We don't actually have any ice cube trays so the bowl had to do! I think they like it anyway lol.