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I think i've found 'the hay of the gods' for my buns...


Wise Old Thumper
....Western Timothy Hay.

I've never seen Biscuit go for hay in the way he has for this!

He's just nommed a good handful (i have quite big hands!) from a sample bag and actually ate it quicker than Ginger. That in itself is a miracle, as she's a monster hay eater.

Going googling for where i can buy this stuff.

Does anyone else use this?
Can't get Sox to eat any hay different from the one he's on just now :lol::roll:
Meadow Hay !
Tried him on timothy but he never touched it .... :roll:
Can't get Sox to eat any hay different from the one he's on just now :lol::roll:
Meadow Hay !
Tried him on timothy but he never touched it .... :roll:

We've always had 'Meadow Hay', but i bought treats for them and hay was one of them, just sample bags.

I'm still in total shock. :shock:
I bought some of this for my 2 and of all the hays that they get, this is one that always gets left, they just won't touch it :roll:
I bought mine from my local p@h but I think after having tried it with 3 bags now, its a bit too expensive to use as litter tray bedding :shock:
....Western Timothy Hay.

I've never seen Biscuit go for hay in the way he has for this!

He's just nommed a good handful (i have quite big hands!) from a sample bag and actually ate it quicker than Ginger. That in itself is a miracle, as she's a monster hay eater.

Going googling for where i can buy this stuff.

Does anyone else use this?

My 3 love it - only stuff they will eat. I buy mine on-line from SPH Supplies. Expensive - but at least they eat lots of it and because of that I kind of hope that I will save on vet bills!?:)
PS Did you ever get your tooth sorted out?
My 3 love it - only stuff they will eat. I buy mine on-line from SPH Supplies. Expensive - but at least they eat lots of it and because of that I kind of hope that I will save on vet bills!?:)
PS Did you ever get your tooth sorted out?

Think i'll go buy a big bag :)

And no, Tooth is still a problem. Had a letter from the hospital yesterday, just got to update thread, im so not happy!

Sue&Sooty is experiencing similar problems now!
I have no idea Susie lol, it just says 'Western Timothy Hay' on the sample bag.

The little sticker on it has bunnies heh

This is the sample bag you got from us Graham :) It is Oxbows Western Timothy Hay Glad they are enjoying it. It comes in larger bags and boxes too;)
This is the sample bag you got from us Graham :) Glad they are enjoying it. It comes in larger bags too;)

Yeah, thats the one! :)

Ginger loved the 'Oat Hay' but Biscuit just turned his nose up at it :roll:

They both love the Western Timothy Hay :) I was just on your site, i'm looking for those 'Ton o Fun Bun Run' tunnels, but THE is out of stock and you don't appear to stock them and had my heart set on one. Keeping my eyes out :)

I'll try them with the other 2 hays over the next few days and then order whatever is best, probably the Western.

Thanks ! :)
We chose not to stock the tunnels because tbh they are a lot of money for some cardboard to be nibbled and you can make it yourself from a cardboard box you can get for free from a supermarket etc :)
Mine LOVE oxbow western timothy hay. It is sooo expensive though but it is usually so fresh and green. I don't mind paying that little bit extra for them. Plus I get it at cost price :p
Mine loved the DFH timothy hay but haven't been so keen on the Alfalfa King timothy hay. They ADORE the Alfalfa King Oat, Wheat and Barely though!