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I lost my Toby today...

I had to have my little Toby put to sleep today......

Why is life so CRUEL

Sleep tight Toby my precious little bun
It was my privilege to be your human being mum.

I wish you had known just how much I loved you.

Mum x x
:cry: so sorry you had to let toby go, the act of true love he would of known how much you cared for him and not wantng him to
be in pain, binky free x
Carol Toby did know how much you loved him. I was with him when he passed away and it was very peaceful and very quick. He was a very lucky rabbit to have had all this extra time being spoilt by you and John . Thank you for giving him the love and care he had. Hugs to you both and noserubs to Stanley xxxxx
He knew how much you loved him and he will have taken that love to the bridge and shared it with all the bunnies who weren't as lucky as him to have found a special human like you.

So very sorry he had to leave you :cry:

((Hugs)) xxx