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I have a problem with my rabbit after the surgery

I came back to ask for your help again because other problems appeared.
The scar from the surgery is healed but on the inside she has made a hard lump. The vet said that is normal, it's a reaction from the empty space that was between her skin and the muscle but she doesn't know what to give her. She said that to dogs and cats she gives iodine tincture but she doesn't recomand it to rabbits. Do you know something else that i coud give her?

My foster rabbit had this. It seemed to be an irritation (in her case) from the internal sutures inside. What we did was give her pain killers (metacam), and we tried antibiotics. We tried baytril and septrin, but the septrin seemed to work better than the baytril. She was spayed 6 weeks ago and she is now off all painkillers and all antibiotics and seems to be doing really well. Does your rabbit seem in pain when her lump is felt?

As for the poos, is it that she has excess cecals? (the ones that look like a sausage, and up close, like a bunch of grapes)? Or is it the fecals? (the ones that should be round and circular and dry?

Does she have unlimited hay? Do you ever give her vegetables or fresh food? Does she go into any area where she might eat plants/other animals foods/human food/anything else that might upset her tummy?
poos like that is a direct cause of not enough fiber. Any rabbit should have a min. of 80% timothy hay as their diet. How much hay is he eating?
Thank you again.
She doesn't seem to be in pain when i touch her lump.

There are neither fecals or cecals. She is making several big, soft poos like a grape size.
The hay is unlimited. She can eat as much as she want and she is eating a lot. I stoped giving her vegetables or fruits because i thougth that could be the cause.
She doesn't have acces neither to plants or foods and since last month( i think) she didn't get out from her cage.
Do you have access to any Fibreplex? I had similar problem with one of mine and this helped to regulate things again. Can't offer any additional advice to what others have recommended re hay.
Thank you. I don't think that i will find it here(maybe it has another name), but if you know what exactly contains please give me a reply.
Thank you again. I'll ask the vet if she heard of it or if she knows something similar.
Why do you give one third of the recommended dose if it's special for rabbits?
He was not that severe so just wanted to try and get it back to normal and this amount helped so we left it at that dose for a few days.
I understand now. I don't think that i'll find it here but i realy hope the vet know something similar.