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HUGE vibes for Damson's mega-op UPDATE Post 62 2 weeks on

Well we've been to see him!!!! And he was awake and he even ate some geranium (cranesbill) leaves while we were there - we did have to 'annoy him' with them to get him to do it - but he did and then he ate some dandelion leaf and just a tiny bit of elder leaf.

The vet showed us the stone - it was huge (guessing 3mm here??) and nobbly and horrid - and she said the kidney had become shrunken and useless and was just infected and horrid around it. She took the kidney out.

The hitch was that they could not remove the whole ureter (which joins the kidney to the bladder) with the small frag of stone that was in it as he started to bleed internally so they had to tie it all off, cut off at the bladder end and leave it in. But she is hoping it will just wither away (can't remember the word - but it means that it is reabsorbed).

Now we have an awful 48 hour wait (perhaps longer) whilst we see if his guts will start to work again or whether they have formed an adhesion during the operation (sorry to be gruesome - but the intestines had to be taken out and put back in again during the op to get to the kidney).

But we say to our selves that he has come through the op, he has woken up and now he has eaten something - so thats three steps along the way!!!:D

We are so exhausted - this whole week has been a dreadful roller coaster starting with a tooth op for two buns, then Teasal's diagnosis and passing, and now Damson's op. The vet was surprised we went ahead with it.

Oh yes - and she insists on taking him home for the night - we can't have him as she says she will need to monitor him for changes and they may mean changes to the meds etc. But he will be with her at home and not in the vets. She says that she is still very worried about the adhesion possability.:(

KEEP sending vibes.

here he is when we saw him - having a bit of a nibble
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ive got everything crossed.

i know i keep harping on about the RU miracle, but i think your due it after your week so far :cry:

i really hope he gets better and theres no complications at all xxxxxx
Good luck for both of you this weekend. I'm sure he will be fine with all the brilliant care and yummy treats he's going to get.
Oh god . . . I don't know and I cannot contact the vets now as they are closed - i shall now worry all night in case he isn't. She didn't mention it. Surely she would know?????

Oh no, I am sorry I wish I'd not mentioned it now
The last thing I meant to do was make you even more anxious :cry:

I dont even know if it would be appropriate to use it in Damson's case
Oh god . . . I don't know and I cannot contact the vets now as they are closed - i shall now worry all night in case he isn't. She didn't mention it. Surely she would know?????

shes taken him home hun so wont let anything happen to him, im sure shes well on top of his care in every way :wave::wave:
That is one dedicated vet. He sounds in excellent hands. He's making steps forward and I hope he continues to do so.

OK - raced back to vet to ask (as phone lines closed). She had already considered it - and would normally use it but they can't use it on him as blood pressure is low due to op on kidney etc. and apparently verapamil makes their blood pressure go down a lot. However she is going to keep checking blood pressure just in case.

So at least I know . .
OK - raced back to vet to ask (as phone lines closed). She had already considered it - and would normally use it but they can't use it on him as blood pressure is low due to op on kidney etc. and apparently verapamil makes their blood pressure go down a lot. However she is going to keep checking blood pressure just in case.

So at least I know . .

Phew, I felt absolutely terrible thinking I'd just made you even more anxious and upset.

I am sure that she will do everything possible for Damson xx
We have heard nothing this morning - the vet has him at her home and she is not in surgery today. She did not give us her phone number (I guess understandably - we did sort of hint but it was taken as read that we would not get it) but she said she would ring . . . but not till the afternoon - I don't know why not in the morning.

I feel awful . . . she took him in case there was an emergency in the night such as his blood pressure dropping or blockage from adhesion or a million and one other things. .. .

and I know that she is technically superb - but I want to be there with him - giving him his tiny mouthfuls of apple juice and tempting newly picked morsels of cranesbill etc etc . .
OK - the vet rang (from her home!).

He is still with us, and she said she was 'cautiously optimistic' . . . he is weeing and pooing (a lot) but she says he is not eating enough and so is still being syringe fed. This is in part because he is still having bupronorphine for the post op pain - but also i guess because his greens I picked for him are now yesterdays!

She felt he was good enough that she gave him a run round on her lawn - and he hopped about and cleaned himself and got some fresh air (but had to go back under his heat lamp so as not to get cold). he is comfortable whilst being held or fed so the pain can't be too awful - but they don't want to use metacam in case it overloads the one kidney.

So I think thats something like step 5 passed!!!!!! (the op itself, the coming round, the making it through the night, the passing wee and poo, and the looking brighter).

Now we need loads of Vibes for the remaining steps - which are . . . Eating voraciously on own account, NOT getting internal adhesions over next couple of days or weeks, single kidney functioning well, coming home at last, and getting back together with partner and leading a LONG and HAPPY life.

COME ON DAMSON!!!! we are all rooting for you . . . such a very very brave boy. I am sure Teasal is looking after you as he looks down on us all from the bridge.:love: