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How often do you do a FULL clean out of hutches?

I thought disinfectant wasnt good with buns.It certainly isnt with cats....I got some of that cage cleaning stuff for my lot, but I line with newspapers so dont really use the stuff.

It's fine if you rinse throughly and dry before replacing bedding.
Indoor buns here too. Litter trays every other day,area brushed every day and a full gut every week if possible. :wave:
All Sheds, hutches, tris's and cages are cleaned out every day, with so many special needs bunnies we have to do it every day
I do the sheds every Sunday without fail (full clean out, all bedding washed etc) but have a sweep round every day and litter trays every other) My giants are so messy though, i think its Nells sight problems, she just knocks everything all over:roll:
Full clean out every other day for outside buns but it was the same when they were indoors as well. I either change or top up litter trays every day.
mine are outdoors, do full clean out every sunday - bedding area, living area, run, everything skipped and new bedding in. Then do litter tray as needed through the week, in winter norm is just once through the week as they barely drink/pee in winter, but in summer will do it probs every second day. Hose the whole lot down and disinfect twice a year, before I refresh the paint so it stays waterproof
Litter trays are cleaned every day and I do a full sweep out of the kennel/run once a week. :D