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how much is too much - apple twigs


Mama Doe
Now that I have managed to find a great supply of apple twigs which should supply my 2 horrors for a good couple of months i am wondering how many they should have a day. they absolutely love them but my bunny mummy paranoia has returned :roll:
They get 4 in the morning and 4 at night (all about 12inches long, not very thick) and they pretty much demolish them :shock: though they don't eat the thickest bits.
Also at free range time I put the sack of sticks out and they like to play in and out of the sack, as well as dragging twigs all over the garden to munch on aswell.
Can they have too many, or are these ok as its a good natural food for their tummies.
I haven't noticed any change in poos etc.
I tend to give one a day if that helps but then Mini's tummy doesn't tend to process sweet things that great but so I don't like to give too much.
Ginger has about 3 a day :oops:

Thats had to cut down now as im running out and im struggling for funds in all honesty.

But they do help her gut.
I honestly can't see that there can be such a thing as too many. They are a natural product which buns would have access to in the wild & so long as they are not filling up too much on them and therefore leaving other things I really can't see that it should be a problem :wave:
:wave: thanks everyone.
I am hoping to go and get some more twigs this weekend and I have another 'supplier' who said they would let me know when their trees were pruned, so I will have a massive supply, and as someone suggested on another thread last week, I might have a go at selling some of them for fundraising.
(when I get back from my jollies)
I'm glad you asked this because someone once said they can cause blockages if given too often & for this reason-& short supples-Mine only get one each a week.Its nice to hear they are safe,cause mine too absolutely love them.:)