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How much do you pay for a rabbit consultation at the vets?

we go so often we get charged the lowest consult fee now, which is £17. sometimes that is for each of them, but if the other costs are loads, they reduce it to £17 for both of them.

think i pay someones yearly salary at the vets and on meds!! :shock::(

I remember I took three rats in last year just so the sick one wasn't by himself and the vet was like oh might as well give you enough baytril for the lot of them, then charged me for three separate appointments even though I had only been in there 5 minutes and he only looked at one of the rats :?

If I see my usual vet sometimes when I take Trip and Scarlett for vaccinations of health checks he will only charge me on appointment and thats really good of them :)
My vet charges £23 for a rabbit consultation, but she will look at all four rabbits for the one fee! Plus she gives a 10% discount for treating 3+ animals at the same for vaccinations, castration etc.
I remember I took three rats in last year just so the sick one wasn't by himself and the vet was like oh might as well give you enough baytril for the lot of them, then charged me for three separate appointments even though I had only been in there 5 minutes and he only looked at one of the rats :?

If I see my usual vet sometimes when I take Trip and Scarlett for vaccinations of health checks he will only charge me on appointment and thats really good of them :)

Mine are like that!!

I took evie and ava cost Ava was unwell and evie was copying her, nothing wrong, no temp. Got charge 2 consulations and 2 vaccs, as evie should be done, just in case :roll::lol: I hasten to add it was a locum and not my ususal vet, who normally does all my buns vaccs, check over no consult fees and gives me 10% off :) I love Carol. She even lets me jump the queue (if there is no one around, so if I am 30 minutes late I am often half way home before my actual appointment :)
My old vets was £30, my new vets is £16.......

The new vets are ok- but wasnt very happy to see the manager walk in to reception and say to the girl on the desk " I dont think im gonna bother with rabbit awareness week ......."

The girl looked uncomfortable- nodded in my direction (where I was sat with 3 bunnies) then they both toddled off out back..........
£26 for a first consult, a bit less for a second (£17?) and about £12 for subsequent ones for the same condition. I'm often not charged for Santa now though :)
I used to pay about £23 but think today I paid £16. Maybe that's cos in the last 48 hours i've paid £1000 though! :roll::lol::lol:

Emergency out of hours consult was £127.00
i cant remember what the first consultation fee is but the reduced one that Alvin and pearl were being charged was £18.73 home visit was £92 :shock:
£28 but I get spays/neuters at cost (which is still really expensive!) he also doesn't charge me to cut Gus's front teeth...which I have to get done tomorrow
at mines it depends who we get :?, if its A who I've known for years through A being the vet for my old stables I think the last time we only got charged £9 ish, but if its some of the other vets its about £16 - £18 maybe more now as prices have recently went up

but for an emergancy visit its £110 before they even look at the bun

for spay - £81 (not including pain killers)
for neuter - £61 (not including pain killers)

and for vaccs its £18.90
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For rabbit consultation my vet charges £13 - however they also offer free rabbit checks with the vet nurse which covers weight, general health check and claw clipping which is ace.

Tammy x
pre booked one. i knew it was expensive i think when i first asked before the vat increase and april it was going to cost about 80 quid

Wow, our pre booked ones are only around £30, but then there is consult fee on top for each animal seen.

I haven't had an emergency call out for about 10 years but that was around £60
I pay £32:cry:when i first had rabbits they used to charge a nominal fee classing rabbits as "children,s pets" now though i have to pay the same price a i would for my cats:cry:
I used to only get charged £3.50, but the rescue rate has gone up to £10.50ish or £5.49 for something quicker.
Lately the vet is coming out to me. They charge me the farm rate of a call out charge plus an hourly rate. The last visit lasted nearly two hours, we got through 27 animals and it cost £118. Not too bad. Usually though she can only stay an hour as she is only allowed to come between the two sets of surgery appointments in the afternoon. Last time though she had no appointments booked until quite late and so stayed longer.
Wow, our pre booked ones are only around £30, but then there is consult fee on top for each animal seen.

I haven't had an emergency call out for about 10 years but that was around £60

it was easter sunday, but i doubt that bumps up the price cus normal surgery on a bank holiday is the regular price..

i havent paid yet..lol still hoping petplan stump up because they are sending them a letter to say she couldnt be moved without making her worse... 4 days later she was pts so :cry::cry::cry: i doubt they will refuse...petrol is very expensive these days i guess :lol::lol::lol: