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How much Birch is too much?


Wise Old Thumper
My bunnies have taken a liking to fresh river birch twigs, I don't give them loads but for the past few days they've been eating a bit of birch everyday and I wanted to make sure that's ok?

I read that it's good for chewing, pain relief and anti-inflammatory and I found this "Birch tree (Betula pendula): Rabbits like to nibble at fresh birch twigs. Birch is diuretic, stimulates kidneys and metabolism, it dehydrates, detoxifies and cleans the skin. Birch doesn't affect the kidneys in long-term use (unlike juniper, lovage and watercress)."

Sounds all very positive except for the 'dehydrates the skin' part, unless I'm reading that wrong? And I suppose being a diuretic isn't a bad thing?
I imagine a bit (like a foot-long twig, maybe?) every day isn't going to be too much, as long as they've got water AND drink it! Mine gets raspberry and/or blackberry practically every day and that's an astringent!
Thanks! Yeah he (Ben is the only one that likes them now) eats about a foot long twig most days and he seems to know when to stop eating it e.g. he only wants a certain amount per day. So I guess I'll continue it for now as long as he seems to be drinking enough and everything :)