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How long without water?


Mama Doe
I cleaned Berties cage out yesterday morning, and went off to work.
An hour later, I remembered that I hadn't got his water bowl out of soaking and he had no water :no: So I legged it back as early as poss (an hour after that) to give him some.

Does anyone know just how long they can be without water?
I've tried to find this info on-line, but can't.
Thanks :)
Obviously water should always be available but as a one off you'll be fine.

Generally depends on what food they have eaten etc. I find Arthur drinks his water straight after eating his morning and evening pellets but doesn't drink after hay or veg.
I've done that! Except mine were without it between 6pm-8am, as I forgot to put the bowl back in when they were taken in for the night. I'd refilled the bowl, but got side-tracked and found it sitting on the wall when I went out to check them the following morning!:shock:
I've done that! Except mine were without it between 6pm-8am, as I forgot to put the bowl back in when they were taken in for the night. I'd refilled the bowl, but got side-tracked and found it sitting on the wall when I went out to check them the following morning!:shock:

I've done that before too, felt like the worst bunny mum ever when I realised!
I've done that! Except mine were without it between 6pm-8am, as I forgot to put the bowl back in when they were taken in for the night. I'd refilled the bowl, but got side-tracked and found it sitting on the wall when I went out to check them the following morning!:shock:

And I bet you felt so awful!!, I did it once and so in case I get side tracked again whilst doing all the hutches etc, Each bunny now has a water bottle and a bowl and I never clean them together, that way I know they will always have access to water.
mine doesnt ever drink anything over night, so thats at least 7 -8 hours, i can tell because i give him fresh water every night and in the morning it remains untouched, it only ever disappears during the day and evenings
mine doesnt ever drink anything over night, so thats at least 7 -8 hours, i can tell because i give him fresh water every night and in the morning it remains untouched, it only ever disappears during the day and evenings

Some of mine don't drink overnight either. I reckon probably because they get veg in the evening, which must contain plenty of water.
Some of mine don't drink overnight either. I reckon probably because they get veg in the evening, which must contain plenty of water.

Yes, if we travel we always get celery sticks or watermelon with us and that is what he has. When we get to destination he doesn't need any water (for a while) although we supply it.
The answer would depend on the weather as well!

I know I've had it where the water bottle has fallen off before and once back in place the bunny has been eager for a drink!

Mine don't really drink overnight, just during the day and mainly in the morning after pellets have been eaten.

I have two water bottle now, so these kind of problems should be minimised.

And I bet you felt so awful!!, I did it once and so in case I get side tracked again whilst doing all the hutches etc, Each bunny now has a water bottle and a bowl and I never clean them together, that way I know they will always have access to water.
I should have added that since then they have a bowl in the hutch/run as well as in the garden run:)
Tinkerbell always has a bowl of water available which I change every morning. Never seem to be any gone out of it though.

Today, when she was in the garden, she had, as usual, jumped on top of the hutch/run and was drinking from a pool of rainwater on the tarpauline!