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How long until a bond is very secure?


Young Bun
We bonded our two boys at the end of October and were surprised at how quickly they took to each other. Yes we had some initial fighting but ver y soon they were very snuggly with mutual groming being displayed.
Last night, out of nowhere they began to chase and pull fur :shock:so we put them straight back into their pen (they free range when we are in). However this resulted in a fight. My OH seperated them and we took Pip out for about 5 mins so they could both calm down.
After this they seemed fine with each other. We didn't hear a thing from them through the night and this morning we have had some noise but I think its more Pippin getting out of Benjamins way if he comes near him.
Luckily I have a snow day today:D a perk of being a teacher so I can keep an eye on them. But they are both running around the living room as if nothings has happened, although have yet to see them snuggled up.
Im just worried that this is the start of something:? and know that boys bonds can break easily (especially because they are unrelated:cry:).
Sorry for the long post but just need some reassurance (if poss:oops:) that we should still keep them together and that they are still in early days of bonding (9/10 weeks).
hmmm im not an expert but Im just saying the same thing happened to me last night - even though my 2 have only been together for 4 days they had a bit of a scrap for no reason - scary isnt it when you think you have done all the hard work!!!

Hope they will be ok xx
How old are they? Have they been neutered?

We have two male bunnies who fell out and then rebonded ok. Then as they got to about 6 months one started humping the other and biting - got them neutered quickly and they are okay again now.

It could just be establishing dominance or something has upset one of them. However, male rabbits fighting can do serious injury to each other so neutering is highly recommended. Are you certain both are male? We thought we had 2 females until the neuter.
Can't offer any direct advice as such but, it's more an observation really that any animals that live in pairs will inevitably have little 'episodes' from time to time. I think you did the right thing by the sounds of it and still need to monitor it but, it is possible that even after years they may have an 'off' day or annoy each other I suppose. Although I suppose it's still a good idea to rule out other things too, hope it will be alright for you and them x
would you and your partner grow old together and never fight at all i doubt it :lol: my lot have the odd scuffle and fur pull every now and then

the reason yours may have set off is that they may have been a scent to set them off, or the fact the sudden space, enouraged this act for dominance this is my area, you did right to put them away

things like deep heat, can set them off anything new in the place furniture rugs, etc

also often a bun will pick on a poorly bun, i assume youve done checks etc, other than that observation stay calm though, dont fuss :D oh and never break up a fight with your hands, well if you want to keep your fingers that is :lol:
The strongest bond I ever had was with Wilm and his first wifey bun, their bond was sealed fully within about a week after HATING each other at first, Wilm was absolutely smitten and they were incredible close, to the extent that they literally went everywhere together. Wilm was v depressed when she died :cry:

With other bonds it has taken a few weeks. I think it really depends on the buns to be honest.
as long as there was no blood I would normally try and keep bunnies that had been together since october together even if scrapping a little. We're starting the run up to spring now and the days are getting longer so bunnies even with established bonds may in the next few months get a bit frisky. They snow may also be causing some upset as well as it makes the light outside a bit strange and they will be able to smell it on your clothes.
Thanks for all your replies. Yes they are both neutered and we waited 6 weeks after Ben's (10 weeks after Pip's) til we bonded them.
My OH thinks that one of them was having an off day and being a bit mardy (didn't like the comment of taking after me!;))