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How Long is the Bunny Competion-Helping Jane Dexter's Rescue

OK then, the O/H want to join in but knows nothing about rabbits :roll:

He would like to guess at 48cm please.

Will send a cheque off for both our guesses tomorrow.

OK then, the O/H want to join in but knows nothing about rabbits :roll:

He would like to guess at 48cm please.

Will send a cheque off for both our guesses tomorrow.


Thank you Mr Vicki267 !! :D

Oh, that would be a *mans* 48cm I assume......;) :lol: :lol:

A great big Bunny Snuggle to all who have taken part in the Competition so far :D

Only 8 days left before the Competition closes ;)

Janex :wave:
I would like to make 2 more guesses please, to bring the total over £150


I am sure I am really bad at this... I have tried comparing her to the fence, but even then... I have no idea what your fence is like! :lol: :lol:

Cheque coming Monday x
I would like to make 2 more guesses please, to bring the total over £150


I am sure I am really bad at this... I have tried comparing her to the fence, but even then... I have no idea what your fence is like! :lol: :lol:

Cheque coming Monday x

Blimey Thea thank you VERY much :D :D :D :D

Jane D is so grateful to everyone who has supported her Rescue !!!

Janex :wave:
Hi Jane :wave:

What a fabulous little competition - glad we could help out!

Our guesses are:
- 62cm
- 65cm

Happy to send cheque or PayPal - let us know what suits best.

Lee xx
I'm sat with a tape measure, measuring the screen, don't think that's going to help. :lol:

My guess is 27 inches or 68.5cm.

Does you guess have to be different from anyone elses?

Could I have the details of where to send the donation please?
Thank you for taking part in the competition :D

If your guess is the same as someone elses and it turns out to be the winning guess there will be a draw from all 'same guesses' to establish an outright winner

........does that make sense :?

Hope so!!

I'll PM you details of where to send your donation

Janex :wave: