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How long is ok for baytril?


Mama Doe
I was wondering how long is 'safe' for a bunny to take baytril? Bailey injured Luuna and ripped her skin open on her hip/stomach area. She was cleaned, glued and had metacam and baytril. I gave metacam for 10 days (2 drops once a day), but shes not in pain anymore so I have stopped giving it. I gave the baytril for 10 days, but the vet told me to give it for another 10, so she has been on it for about 13 days now. Is it ok long-term like this? I know metacam can be damaging over long periods. She has probiotic in her water and is eating and drinking fine. It just seemed like a very long time to have to give it to her :?
Oh and she is showing no signs of infection and the vet is pleased with her healing. Although she did 'clean' all the glue of yesterday :roll: leaving the wound wet. Luckily it has scabbed over fine again :roll: She is no longer allowed her collar off without constant supervision!
I have had a Bun on Baytril for 2 months for Snuffles. If your Vet has advised continuing it for another 10 days then I would do so. Long courses of antibiotics are less likely to cause antibiotic resistance than several 3-5 day short courses. I would make sure Luuna has a good hay based diet and you could also add a probiotic to her drinking water.

I have had a Bun on Baytril for 2 months for Snuffles. If your Vet has advised continuing it for another 10 days then I would do so. Long courses of antibiotics are less likely to cause antibiotic resistance than several 3-5 day short courses. I would make sure Luuna has a good hay based diet and you could also add a probiotic to her drinking water.


Thank Jane :) I wasn't going to stop it without the vet saying so, just wanted to check if there might be any problems for me to look out for :) Shes got probiotic in her water and is still munching away on loads of hay, even around her collar :D
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Yep I understand that a recommended course of action for snuffles now is a 6 week course of baytril. Obviously every bun will react differently so keep an eye out for any changes especially to poos.
Charlie was also on Baytril for about two months (snuffles and ear infection). Luckily no ill effects. His poos did get a little smaller but he had a probiotic too. He was fine.:)