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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

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Frequent dental issue

She is sleeping a lot today . Just woke up for her pellets and used litter box and went back to hidey house . She did bleed a good amount ☹️
Huchi is doing well today . All back to normal for her 🥲 poor girl is facing so much nowadays 😓 . Forgot to ask one thing. Do tooth roots continue to elongate with time or is there a limit to it . Since huchi has it , I fear she will become more unstable as days go by . Her eyes didnt become weepy anymore after giving eye drop . But she has problem chewing that I can say for sure
Good news that Huchi is back to normal today ❤️ Has the bleeding completely stopped now? What is she finding she is able to eat?
Good news that Huchi is back to normal today ❤️ Has the bleeding completely stopped now? What is she finding she is able to eat?
Yes Bleeding has stopped and no problem in her movement . She is eating her herbs and small section of dried leaves . I am mainly keeping her on mashed pallets
You are doing a good job caring for Huchi. Nails can get pulled easily and the do bleed a lot. Applying pressure with a clean cloth or tissue slow the bleeding and allow it to clot. I am glad she is feeling better.
You are doing a good job caring for Huchi. Nails can get pulled easily and the do bleed a lot. Applying pressure with a clean cloth or tissue slow the bleeding and allow it to clot. I am glad she is feeling better.
Hope I am doing everything all right 😓 I am walking on thin ice when it comes to her nowadays . How are your bunny's doing ?
Huchi still hasn't gone off grass completely . But whenever she tries to chew her eyes become watery and big . But she can eat for few minutes . Should I decrease her mashed pallets so that she increases her grass intake or will forcing her to eat more grass be uncomfortable and painful for her 😓 she can eat her greens and rose petals but quite slowly
Only you know if she is uncomfortable when eating grass, so use your judgement.
The important thing is to keep her eating to avoid stasis.

I let my dental bunny eat what he wanted because he was prone to stasis which often took several days or more of motility meds, syringe feedings, and fluids, before he would eat anything on his own.
Huchi still hasn't gone off grass completely . But whenever she tries to chew her eyes become watery and big . But she can eat for few minutes . Should I decrease her mashed pallets so that she increases her grass intake or will forcing her to eat more grass be uncomfortable and painful for her 😓 she can eat her greens and rose petals but quite slowly
As she has elongated tooth roots any chewy is likely to cause the eyes to water as the tooth roots press on the nasolacrimal ducts preventing them from draining. Chewing will also be painful. If the crowns of the teeth are now longer chewing will put even more pressure on the roots. So until the crowns of the teeth are burred down/reshaped you will have to feed her what she can eat, even if that’s just mashed pellets.

When is she due to be examined by the Vet again?
As she has elongated tooth roots any chewy is likely to cause the eyes to water as the tooth roots press on the nasolacrimal ducts preventing them from draining. Chewing will also be painful. If the crowns of the teeth are now longer chewing will put even more pressure on the roots. So until the crowns of the teeth are burred down/reshaped you will have to feed her what she can eat, even if that’s just mashed pellets.

When is she due to be examined by the Vet again?
1st week of June . Going to take xray of her too . Right now I am confused if she can eat enough grass or she isn't because of the pellets . She usually wakes up at 8 pm . She doesn't touch her grass at that time . So I feed her soft food . At midnight I guess she just becomes little bit hungry so she eats some then . Her morning routine consists of normally greens and soft food . I am giving her extra water through syringe for past few weeks just to stay safe . I am just hoping her crowns don't grow back too much quickly this time 😓
Only you know if she is uncomfortable when eating grass, so use your judgement.
The important thing is to keep her eating to avoid stasis.

I let my dental bunny eat what he wanted because he was prone to stasis which often took several days or more of motility meds, syringe feedings, and fluids, before he would eat anything on his own.
After her burring the 1st 3 weeks she ate grass moderately . In that time her eyes became really weepy and I had to clean up regularly . But she didn't quite eating for another 2 weeks . I don't see that much water coming from her eyes after using eye drop. Now her eyes are just a little watery but don't need bath or anything . I am giving her soft food but this rises the question if she really can't eat that much right now or she won't . moreover can't take the risk of her being starved
Is she taking any daily pain relief?
Yes she is on melvet. 0.2 ml per day. Apart from the eating issue she is a happy bun. But she is sleeping lot nowaday . I see her awake max 2 hour in early morn and 1 hour after 10 pm
I am wondering if I am on right track . She can't chew for a long time even if her teeth shape is ok because of the root . So keeping her moderately full with greens and pallets and offering hay and grass from midnight to morning , she can try to eat during that time as she has always been awake and active during this interval
Huchi again has one weepy eye this morning . She was prescribed eye drop . Used that for 1 week which was was at the start of this month and all became ok . Should I use it on her again or just clean her eye