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Hi everyone!

Hi, i came across this forum searching for some stuff about hutches. I'm a member of another large rabbit board but alot of them are Canadian/American so its nice to see some more people on my home soil. :wave:

I'm 17 and in sixth form. I only have one bunny, Lottie. I only got her around a month ago, she was going to be paired with my 2 year old bunny William but he sadly passed away 6 days after i adopted Lottie. I'm hoping to get another male soon but Lottie has had a funny eye so i wanted to get that sorted before inroducing anyone new. Thats all sorted now (well, its still sore but there is nothing we can do and it is not affecting her health majorly). I'm just getting some funds up to be able to buy a new hutch!

Lottie was adopted from a rescue called Animal Lifeline.

Picture time!




Fran :rabbit2:
Hi, i came across this forum searching for some stuff about hutches. I'm a member of another large rabbit board but alot of them are Canadian/American so its nice to see some more people on my home soil. :wave:

I'm 17 and in sixth form. I only have one bunny, Lottie. I only got her around a month ago, she was going to be paired with my 2 year old bunny William but he sadly passed away 6 days after i adopted Lottie. I'm hoping to get another male soon but Lottie has had a funny eye so i wanted to get that sorted before inroducing anyone new. Thats all sorted now (well, its still sore but there is nothing we can do and it is not affecting her health majorly). I'm just getting some funds up to be able to buy a new hutch!

Lottie was adopted from a rescue called Animal Lifeline.

Picture time!




Fran :rabbit2:

awww what a lovely bunnnnnnnnnyyyyy!!

welcome to RU x:wave: