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Henry is spraying Emily!!!


Young Bun
Henry & Emily have been together since Saturday. I noticed today that he runs upto her and sprays over her, then runs off. Is this normal or do i have a strange bun?
:lol: :lol: Poor Emily. It is normal behaviour - spraying is a way of marking territory and proclaiming what is his. Believe or not he does love her.:love: And he is on his honeymoon isn't he at the moment :lol: Neutering usually stops rabbits from spraying, but it does depend on how well the habit has become established. How long ago was he neutered ? It can take 2-3 months ( sometimes longer ) for hormone levels to subside completely and you will probably notice him spraying less as time goes on. In the meantime buy Emily a plastic mac:lol: :lol: - sorry, my sense of humour!
One of my buns (they were neutered at 4 months) tries to spray me when I am trying to get him in his hutch! He's two! So I've got no advice, sorry!