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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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helpp!!! m rabbit is sad.... has constipation =(

You could maybe add some fresh pineapple juice (I just buy a pineapple and squeeze it) or other fruit juice to tempt him with more water.
the rabbit is not on hay, never has. only carrots and other greens.

The good news is, based on the above, it most likely gas created blockage due to lack of fiber, not bloat due to chewing on carpet or furniture.

The bad news is, the cause of the above is due to a lack of hay. If you talk to the other 10,000+ members here, most os us will tell you that:

Your bun's diet must compose of 90% hay. They need a huge amount of fiber. The remaining 10% is pellet, green, fruits and some treats.

The hay is also necessary as it helps them wear off the on growing molars in their mouth. If your bun doesn't have hay stem daily, eventually his molar will overgrow, then you need to have teeth surgery. Hay stem greatly reduce the growing of molar (teeth)

If there is more than say 7% pellet, then your bun will eat the pellet, not the hay. As they love pellets. So you need to control and downsize the carrot and other green, and focus primarily on hay, especially hay stem. You always give an unlimited amount of hay at all time, far more than enough that should last for days, then refill them when they run low.

Coincidentally, hay is cheap. A bale of Timothy hay (65 pounds) is only $6 here. As hay is just dry grass. If you feed your bun w/ hay, he will live a long and healthy life. Over here in my house, I have 6 pile of hay in 6 of their favorite spots in the house, so there is always a big pile of hay next to them when they sit at their favorite spots.

Carrot and green as the primary intake of food is the WRONG diet.

anyhow, for the time being, you can try the following:

get your bun some chewable enzyme (tropical fruit flavor) tablets, if there is any hair ball inside, this should break down the hair fiber. Give 1 per day until this is over.

There are many brand names, as long as they have fruit favor, it will do it. However, if you bun doesn't eat it, you can easily smash the tablet into powder, and mix it w/ juice to feed it to your bun.

this is what I use, Oxbow makes a better one:


This link tell you what you should do to treat your bun if we are dealing w/ a partial GI stasis. Now, w/o a rabbit specialist, as a local vet to see if there is a way to any animals (such as a dog / cat) to pass out the poos

Thanks alot guys, my rabbit finally started pooping. I only fed him metoclopramide. He wudnt just drink it himself, i tried everything, then i just dipped his food in the medic and gave it to him, that seems to fix the blockage or whatever it was.

I have now changed its diet to hay and water and occasionally carrots and other greens.

once again, thanks alot for ur help, u fixed my bunny :D
I'm glad, as long as it's 90% hay, preferably timothy hay, and most importantly, the stem of the hay, then you shouldn't see this problem again.
thanks :)

timothy hay is not easily available in my country, can i use dried grass?
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